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July 21st 2005
Published: July 21st 2005
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9:30am, Taxkorgan
I took the early bus out of Taxkorgan. My stomach was real bad but i didn't wanna let that stop me. Ryan was no where in sight so i guess he must have left earlier. The good news is that my bus was not full but the bad news was that the guy seated next to me could not stop bothering me about my mp3 player, my camera, my glasses and my hat. All of which he tried on, switched on and used. And with my bad stomach, i was in a bad mood.

11:30am, Karakarom Highway
STOP! BUS DRIVER STOP!! THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!!! I couldn't hold it. The bush had to do.

12:30pm, Passing Karakul Lake
Thank goodness.. There were 5 mat salleh waiting at the side of the road and boarded our bus. The first thing i said when they got on was "Excuse me guys, i really need your help.. Do you have any diorrhea pils?" And they did. YES! Because they got on, the irritating Kyrgyz had to squeeze nearer to me and all the way down he was asleep with his head on my shoulders, and his 5 year old sons head on my lap. But at least, my stomach settled down.

5:00pm, Kashgar
The first thing i did when i got down was buy a ticket to Urumqi which would take 24 hours. Then i went to the livestock market but unfortunately it was closed. I had heard a lot about it and sad i will miss it. I have 3 more pepto-bismo (a diorrhea pill, excuse my spelling) and two pills of something apparently REALLY STRONG. My bus leaves at 7:30pm. I got my pictures burned and now at an extremely expensive cybercafe. Till next time.

Additional photos below
Photos: 5, Displayed: 5


22nd July 2005

Ah ha
I always wondered where you key in your blog. I didnt realise yber cafe was a plenty everywhere you go.
27th July 2005

There's an epidemic outbreak in some parts of China. You might wanna be careful. And your Da is correct. You must start thinking about going back. Your numerous experiences in dealing with the public transportation wasn't encouraging at all. Good to see you leaving your 'marks' at the far end of China. Let that be a testament that Malaysians CAN go the distance. Acura mail!
29th July 2005

Very photogenic people
Its funny but most of the people there are very photogenic. Especially the 'irritating father' pic in this particular entry reminds me soo much of a similar situation in Tintin. Heh. Anyway, yeah please be more careful of your health.
20th January 2008

Hi, I am a Zoroastrian and just was wondring why you are using the name Zoroaster. If you like to tell me the story, email me at: By the way, I am turkish and met some Turks in Turkey who had come from China. Regards

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