already buggered...

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Asia » China » Shanghai
July 24th 2006
Published: July 25th 2006
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hello moto (yes, we're aware we're not in japan, but ush has a strage fascination with this phrase)

ok, we're killing time b4 we jet off to london to officially begin our eurpean escapades! we spent 12 hours on the flight to shanghai without any signs of inflight entertainment.. note to self, dont fly china eastern airlines if you want to have fun!

we stayed at the pretty flashy novotel atlantis in shanghai, all thanks to ush's qantas affiliation. i think ush and i both realise now that we're not really cut out to rough it as backpackers ( priya needs her hair dryer and straightenener!)

if youre wondering where the bit about shanghai comes in, theres not really anything to report as we didnt really leave the hotel room, except a short venture to the local pharmacy to buy priya (me) some tooth ache pills (not really sure what im taking, but im taking 6 tablets a day of whatever it is!)

but from whata we could see from the window of our 35th floor hotel room, it seems to be a vast expanse of hise rise buildings, aand monopoly like hhouses aand hotles.

ok guys, we've run out of funds,... so over and out for now
keep checking as we will hopefully maintain this blog for the duration of our adventures!

Ush & Pri

ps. typoes are an indiication of the losss of motor connection b/w brain and hand function (does that even make sense PT friends?)


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