We are in Shanghai

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July 13th 2006
Published: July 13th 2006
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We survived the 14 hour flight from Chicago to Shanghai. Business class was hard to get used to but we managed. We spent a bit of time today walking around Old Shanghai and the shopping district of Nanjin Lu. We also went to the Yu Yuan Garden and the Peace hotel. The Yu Garden was interesting. It has a lot of paths and nooks. If you really took your time and focused, it could be a very reflective experience. Interestingly, it blocked out the noise of the city. It has traditional Chinse architecture, multiple rock gardens and ponds. Anywhere you could sit and just be and imagine the emperor wandering around contemplating.

Once out the garden, you are back in the city...

Shanghai is very modern with lots of people and cars. It does not feel as if we have really left the US except that there are signs in Chinese and we are the minority. There is no way to describe it in simple words. Typical big city and could be anywhere in the world. One thing to get use to is the persistence of the people who are selling purses and watchbands on the streets. We stopped in a silk shop but have yet to buy anything.

We are going to be working with the international relocation people while we are here. We need a medical exam and applications for residency visas. The plan is to be in Shanghai until Monday and then move on to Suzhou for a week and a half. After that, we are on to Hong Kong for a week and then on to Tianjin.


13th July 2006

They made it!
Good to hear you made it to China safely. Sounds like you're in for a great time. Can't wait to hear more about your stay.
16th July 2006

Glad you made it!
Diane and Dave, It's exciting to see you actually THERE! Brings back lots of memories! We'll keep checking your blog. I'm glad we can check up on you that way. Love, Melissa and Trae

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