Last day in China (Boo Hoo)

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June 22nd 2006
Published: June 22nd 2006
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Had a great time since arrived in Shanghai! Raced around (and up) most of the city's sights including the Bund (like Blackpool prom but nicer), Oriental Pearl TV Tower, Pudong (lots of sky scrapers) and the Shanghai museum.

Spent today in the French Concession and the Old Town. The Old Town is a really wierd place, as it feels like a China Town in any other western city as Shanghai is really commercial. There is a Starbucks and McDonalds on every street corner! As I sit here it has finally begun to rain (thank God!) trekking around in 35degree heat and almost raining humidity is taking it a bit out of me!

Anyways this is v short and boring as I'll soon be jetting back to Bejing and then sunny Manchester (can't wait, honest!) and will bore you all with tales of my oriental adventures for weeks to come!

Hope all is hunky dory at home!



22nd June 2006

Alls well here, Your loving sister is staying tonite, I think Gary got fed up with her! Anyway,you take care and we'll see you soon Mum and Dad x
23rd June 2006

visiting Shanghai
Hi - I spent 2 weeks in May - so I have fresh remembrance and feel nice reading about Bund or Pudong - Shanghai is supricely modern and incredably fast growing City - I think I am going to visit it again, maybe winter, We'll see ??
24th June 2006

Allo allo this is London England calling
Hi Paul, Sounds like you've had a fantastic time. Looking forward to seeing your pictures. Are you still coming to swinging London next week on your course?

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