Shanghai Bund

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March 23rd 2009
Published: March 23rd 2009
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Chinese marketChinese marketChinese market

T enjoying a stroll through one of many Chinese markets.
We spent Sunday morning walking to and around the Bund in Shanghai. It is a bit of a contrast in architecture, with very European style buildings, mostly former banks or customs houses, now serving as high-end stores or shopping centers. The Huang Pu River is wide; on the other side was the Oriental Pearl, the tallest TV tower in the world. Neat architecture all around us! On our way to the Bund we walked through a number of market areas where the locals were picking up their groceries - all kinds of similar and different veggies, and quite a few different deep fried selections…!

We did a little shopping in the pedestrian mall off Nanjing Road. This is one of the more famous shopping areas in Shanghai, as we walked east from the Bund, and back to our hotel. We are finding the prices to be relatively cheap for just about everything! Didn’t actually do any buying yet though. I think we are all a little overwhelmed with the fact we are in China still!

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Shanghai version of 7-11Shanghai version of 7-11
Shanghai version of 7-11

T and Auntie Dawn getting a coke...
Shanghai skylineShanghai skyline
Shanghai skyline

Oriental Pearl and other skyscrapers on the skyline opposite the Bund.
People's Heros MonumentPeople's Heros Monument
People's Heros Monument

In the Huang Pu park on the Bund.

23rd March 2009

Very Interesting....
How's the food been so far? Does the Coke come in plastic, metal or glass? And I have to ask - what about the spitting? Is it what you were expectorating? (sorry, had to get this one in early in case someone else used it).
23rd March 2009

Food and coke
Dawn has called it Survivor China, so far... No really, the food has been quite good, and in abundance! Each meal has had way to many dishes! Many have been manageable, some not so much. The cooked whole fish in soy and vinegar has not been to anyone's liking! Thomas' favourite saying has now become "Look out, Mommom's going to barf...!" Dawn is giggling uncontrollably about that one! Spitting is mostly heard first, so we know when to look away. It is also acceptable to spit out the bones and tea leaves onto your plate at dinner. The coke is in very colorful cans! I will post a picture of one in the next day or so. Enjoy the latest postings!
23rd March 2009

Clearly Uncle Bill has been studying Grandmom's medical dictionary in preparation for this trip!

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