East meets West in Shanghai

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February 14th 2009
Published: February 14th 2009
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Just a few days ago I was thinking of how lucky we've been, not getting ill. Well, our luck ran out, about 6 hours after arriving in Shanghai. So our first day was spent seeking out pharmacies (nobody spoke English, so we had to mime what was wrong - fun fun fun!), and hanging around the hostel feeling sorry for ourselves. Today, we felt a little better, and wanted to see some of city without venturing too far from the hostel, just in case. So we went to Shanghai Museum, which is in the People's Square, and explored the galleries of ancient statues and Chinese calligraphy and art work. Stepping out into the city again, we were struck by how sharp the contrast was between the traditional China we had just witnessed in the museum, and the city of Shanghai.

Shanghai is nothing like Beijing, Xi'an or Chengdu. In fact, it doesn't even feel like it is in China. It is much more like New York, only with taller, shinier skyscrapers, all drenched in neon lights. We can't quite get our heads around how huge this city is, how many people there are (you really couldn't ride the subway if you suffered from claustrophobia!), and how chaotic the roads are. Drivers have absolutely no regard for pedestrian crossings; they just drive straight at you until you fling yourself out of the way! In some ways, it's a lot like home, because so many of the shops and restaurants are the same (H&M, Zara, Pizza Hut, Dunkin Donuts, even a Pappa Johns!!!), but everything is bigger, cleaner and more futuristic. And everything in this city is so incredibly fast-paced; we were only walking around for a few hours today, and yet we're exhausted!

Oh and we haven't forgotten Valentine's Day - you really couldn't forget in this city anyway! They really do take this day to the extreme. Everything in the shops is covered with pink feathers and little love hearts, and practically every girl in Shanghai was walking around with a bunch of roses! We were going to try and find a nice restaurant, but we've decided to save it for when we feel 100% better - which will hopefully be soon!

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14th February 2009

A New Game!
Shanghai Charades! I would really liked to have been a fly on the wall in the Chemists! Heh Heh! I'll name that illness in one! Get Well Soon... and Thanks for the Chocolates Ceri... You really shouldn't have sent them all the way from China! Happy Valentines Day to You too! Oooh... It's Virus and a Bacteria... First and second syllables...sounds like... 'Briar'...
14th February 2009

Happy Valentines Day
Glad you are starting to feel better - Mark didn't say if both of you were ill - but I just wanted to give you both a big hug. Just get better so we can enjoy more of your pics and your journey. Love Mumxxxxx
14th February 2009

get well soon!
You poor things. Take care! I got sick on the way back from Egypt - that was a fun journey. Have just moved into my new flat this morning - room is small, so can't fit everything in! And totally different system to what I'm used to - she's used to sharing everything in the kitchen and so on. Think we're going to compromise. Kitchen is tiny and not exactly clean or tidy. Still, will doubtless improve as I get more settled. Ok, rant over! Hope you do feel better soon.
15th February 2009

hey guys! hope ur feelin bettr soon...no tym to b ill, u stil hav loads to c. hey ceri, guess what i was readin las nyt? my leavers book from high school! how i miss those days, minus the last few weeks...lol. im missin u now, n i'l b celebratin my b'day on my own dis year, cos ur not even here! : (

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