Dinner by Ying Chen

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August 12th 2008
Published: August 16th 2008
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MT and T to speech to get to know T’s new therapist.

E and I worked on an art project: melty beads. You know, the tiny, colored plastic cylinders you place onto a board in a pattern, then melt with an iron to make, in our case, a strawberry, pear and apple? She spent three hours working on them! I was awed by her finger dexterity.

MT and I met MeiLin, another expat, at Starbucks at the Shanghai Center, home of the Ritz-Carleton. We accepted a ride, and went with her to pick up her 7 year-old-son at Kidtown, a great indoor play area above CityShop. While we were there, MT and I checked out the Children’s Technology Workshop on the 5th floor and signed E and T up for Junior engineer lessons. This building is full of shops catering to expats and their children, but this place is the best of them: the kids get lessons on Lego building, architecture, pulleys, even robotics and animation as they get older! And it looks like a lot of fun!

Ying Chen made a delicious dinner and we all ate family style…something the kids are not complaining about, shocking though that may be to those of you who know the kids were used to having a special meal where everything was plain, chopped and separate on their trays! This is awesome!

J and MT went out for an after dinner show and I put the kids to bed.


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