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April 23rd 2008
Published: April 23rd 2008
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Starting Point

Yep, I am getting ready for what will be my first trip to China for my business and to observe and integrate into the culture and all the Shanghai area has to offer.

Business: Watercraft Technologies, Inc.

Main products: Portable propulsion systems for small watercraft. We have three designs, all patented, all prototyped, and all work great.

Looked for a US or Canadian manufacturer, but there is no factory in North America that makes propeller driven PMDC motors. That's right, none.

So I did reasearch on Alibaba, and other China business websites, and met Mr. Leo Zhou, a Chinese national living in New Zealand. He has a Trading Company GhugNZ Limited. I bought his products, and the quality was great and delivery went without a hitch. We emailed each other over the course of a few weeks, and I asked him if his factory in China can modify the motor by adding a shaft component.

He said yes, and his factory could manufacture, test, and package the whole product. He invited me to come to China to talk to the factory engineers and discuss business.
Thats why I am going. I will look have the whole
New York 2New York 2New York 2

After Business Class
motor and support system including electronics, made and shipped to me in the US.
Everything I have read about Business in China is based upon personal relationships, not necessarily contracts. It is very asian and honorable to hold up your end of the bargain with someone you know and trust.

Mr. Zhou is meeting me at Shanghai Airport (PVG) and we are traveling to Hangzhou. We will stay one night and meet the factory representatives the next day.

So today I am planning for this trip:
Airline: United from New York to Shanghai, with one stop in Chicago.
Visa service from
China Phone from Pandaphone.

Packing. I leave in two days. Limo arrives at 2AM for a 6:00am filght. 2 hours to ORD, and 14 hours to PVG. I an taking a pillow, music, computer, DVD's and anything that will keep me occupied.
I am looking forward to meeting others in similiar situations.


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