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July 5th 2007
Published: July 5th 2007
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I've been walking around a lot and often wearing sandals or reef flip flops. These don't provide enough ankle support. I'm thankful I brought two pairs of overpriced comfort shoes from home. I highly recommend trying on a pair of Geox and Ecco shoes. I hesitated buying them because they don't look very hip, but both shoes are water-proof, light weight and have good ventilation, perfect for this hot rainy weather. Anyway, my feet don't like all the walking, and the heels of my feet have become dry/itchy and cracked, and my ankles feel tired.

I bought a pinyin book and have been studying. Chinese so hard! I'll have to spend more time memorizing. I met a girl at the cafe I was reading at yesterday morning; she was studying for an English exam. She gestured for me to come talk to her, and we talked a bit. She was studying quite advanced English, but she had no idea what she was reading. She said she was just memorizing the answers because the questions on test would be similar to the homework. Sheesh! She asked me to explain "to an extent" and "notwithstanding". She doesn't really undestand English, so you can imagine how hard it was for me to explain this to her in CHINESE! haha. Anyhow, we exchanged numbers so we could continue to practice our language over coffee. I got together with a girl and her classmate today (the one I met at the language school elevator). We went to an all you can drink cafe. 😊 All you can consume iced tea, tea, coffee, boba, etc. for 18 rmb. After four hours, and a lemon tea, papaya milk tea, mint soda, and jasmin tea, I learned a few new phrases. The girls I met with know a ton of vocabulary words, but just don't know how to use or say them.

I'm going to Nanjing tomorrow. I'll visit the Sun Yatsen Memorial, Ming tomb, Confucious Temple, and Nanjing Massacre Memorial. I'm taking a 7:45 AM train and getting there at 10:15 AM. There are 53 trains to Nanjing everyday! I will just spend the day there and come back in the evening. I'm getting a bit restless and shopping is getting really stale.


5th July 2007

all you can drink cafe? how cool! :) what's notwithstanding mean? :)
5th July 2007

Take some pics of the Nanjing Massacre Memorial. I'm curious what it looks like!
6th July 2007

wow! your chinese must be pretty good. i'm expecting to be impressed when i come. i'll be your super ABC friend.

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