Is this thing on?

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July 11th 2009
Published: July 11th 2009
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Hi Ya'll,

This is kind of a test post to make sure that everything's working as it should instead of being blocked like the other blog that I had set up before we left.

Anyway, here are a few photos from our first days doing some touristy stuff in Beijing before we headed to Tianjin where we are currently residing. Enjoy!

~Karin and Bo

Additional photos below
Photos: 12, Displayed: 12


Beihai ParkBeihai Park
Beihai Park

right before my camera ran out of batteries....

11th July 2009

Yes, it is on
13th July 2009

Yay more pictures please!
Hi Karin and Bo, Need food pictures! Lots of love, Cisca

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