My Birthday by Aiden

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August 1st 2008
Published: December 23rd 2008
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The food here is pretty good. I do like pumpkin chips very much but I have other favourites too, like sour potato. You cut up the potato into small pieces like matchsticks and fry it with a bit of oil, salt and vinegar. For my birthday night, we had hotpot. It is soooo yummy. There is a big pot of water in the middle of the table with some spices inside and when the water boils you put in some vegetables and tofu and wait for the water to boil again before you eat it. I like to put a bit of sesame paste and a little bit of chilli on the food after I take it out of the water to eat.

I had a good birthday week with lots of cakes because we celebrated with lots of different people. My Grandparents from Australia called me on the phone and I got some birthday emails too. I got lots of game things like a soccer ball, badminton set and the next 3 books in the Charlie Bone series. I also have a new DVD and a Science experiment book and I have set up some experiments in the house. I hope you can check out this website called It is the people from the DVD I have. They are really, really funny. It's been hot so we have been eating icecream and watermelon almost every day!


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