pang yi dian'r

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June 23rd 2008
Published: June 23rd 2008
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I woke up this morning raring to go! Came down to eat my apple-a-day and check my email, and found 6 new messages - all personal! Not one piece of junkmail, and that also helped my mood.

Was planning to go to the Bookworm, but at the last minute turned the other way down Gongti Beilu and went to the subway to go up to my old neighborhood for the day. As soon as I got out of the subway in Wudaokou it started thundering and lightning, though. So ducked into Lush as it started pouring. I was also craving Lush breakfast, as it's a decent western breakfast for a very decent price.

I wiled away the hours at Lush eating some awesome breakfast in the afternoon and making a list of the things Ben and Arielle need to do while here.

Then I decided to text my old coworkers Joy and Mickey and see what they were doing after work. Ended up dashing out into the pouring rain and going to my old kindergarten and visiting the old teachers and kids! Of course all the kids are a grade older now and it totally threw me off to see them in different classrooms, but it was great to see everyone.

I went home with Joy to meet her new baby boy, Baobao! He'll be one year old this weekend! I also got to meet Joy's mother, and Joy and her husband, Bob, and I went out for dinner.

Baobao's birthday is this weekend, so in addition to moving out of here on Saturday, on Sunday I will go back up there for his birthday! And then Monday I PICK UP ARIELLE AT EL AEROPUERTO!

Oh, and Thursday at the ass crack of dawn I will go out to the new apartment so I can register with the PSB in that area. Good times.

Yay productivity!


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