Vacation is over

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Asia » China » Beijing » Haidian district
May 8th 2007
Published: May 8th 2007
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NIne dragon scrollNIne dragon scrollNIne dragon scroll

This is called nine dragon scroll but its not a scroll its a wall. How strange
So the holiday is over and it was probably the best vacation I have ever had. I did everything I have never done and always wanted to and that is saying a lot to be done in a week. The best thing being camping on the great wall and hanging out with Liba who is amazing.
I went to Behai park with Jinhua which was interesting.We also went to haidian park to a music festival which was fun it was advertised as a Chinese Woodstock. But really more like fallout in Columbia. They had a dance stage and it was very fun to dance outside. Uncle Dan and Aunt Linda arrived and I spent the afternoon with them yesterday. I showed them around my little corner of Beijing. I am about two hours away from where they are now. But not nearly as out in the sticks as they thought I was. It was really good to see a familiar face.

Carrie: If you can only have one great love, then the city just may be mine. And I don't want nobody talkin' crap about my boyfriend.

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NIne dragon scrollNIne dragon scroll
NIne dragon scroll

Hey francesca remember this guy from the train. he is really a nice guy a little quiet or maybe I just need to learn chinese.

another familiar sight me listening to Nathan talk :)

8th May 2007

Trisha I have had an amazing time reading your much fun..sounds amazing!! hope all continues to be lovely
8th May 2007

ain't nothing over, you're way too young!! you have a lot of exploring left to do. big earth!
9th May 2007

What's the deally?
Hey Trisha, what's your phone number in China? I have a phone that can call overseas for very cheap. Shoot me an E-mail or something. Wonderboy

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