Marrisa and Matt visit Beijing - Day one

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April 3rd 2007
Published: April 3rd 2007
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This post has been a long time coming! I had a month off from work in February and Marissa and Matt came to visit me for about ten days. Here are the photos from their trip.

They arrived on February 2. Jack came with me to get them at the airport with a lovely homemade sign. My stomach was doing excited flips while I waited. It was so awesome to see them among the crowd!! We caught up on the cab ride home and celebrated with beers in my room. My Mother had sent me a bunch of my old artwork and some stories i had written as a kid so i can make a scrapbook. We sat around and read the stories cracking up because most of them had Whitney in them....evidence of how long we have been friends. We had hot pot for dinner with Whitney and Steph.

After dinner we went to have foot washing. We did the 2 hour full body massage experience. They were happy.

The next day we ventured into the city for the first time to explore. We did a lot on the first day. We went to see Tian an Men and Qian Men in the center of the city. We had the ever famous Peking Duck at the oldest and most well known duck restaurant for lunch. We walked around Qian Men's hutong (the old back alley areas) and looked at what was for sale.

That night we went to see the Peking Opera at an old tea house. It is such a fun experience, you watch the show while drinking tea and eating Beijing snacks. Among the opera acts there is also singing, dancing, magic, mask-changing and kung fu.

All in all a GREAT first day in Beijing!!


4th April 2007

It is so great that Marissa visited you and brought her boyfriend (?)! And who, might I ask, is the cute boy named Jack in all your pictures???
6th April 2007

Sounds like you all had a great visit, I look forward to seeing more pictures!!

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