South Cambodia

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Asia » Cambodia
November 21st 2012
Published: November 21st 2012
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We got an overnight bus to Cambodia on the 16th, Milkys birthday; we were told we would arrive to Sihanoukville on the south coast at 12pm so we didn’t think it would be too bad. However, we didn’t arrive till gone 6pm and the bus journey was horrendous, I felt so bad that we had spent 18 hours of Milkys birthday on a bus! But we had a cracking night out when we got there to make up for it. Sihanoukville was really nice it was right by the beach and had loads of chilled out bars, we got to watch the rugby there too which was so good! I’m seriously missing sport! We went to an island called koh rong samloem which was absolutely stunning; we spent a night there and stayed in a beach side bungalow which was really cool except we were scared about what bugs were in there with us! We spent the next day chilling on the beach and finally caught the sun although we got a bit too much and all ended up getting extremely burnt which was not what we wanted at all!


21st November 2012

careful, sun in the Souuthern Hempis. can be very strong!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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