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Asia » Cambodia
November 22nd 2008
Published: November 22nd 2008
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So I was little vague on our time in Nha Trang so I'm sitting around waiting for a bus so I thought I would drop a few more details in. Our first night out in Nha Trang we followed Loney Plant books advice to a T. Which worked out great. We met all these people who we became friends with for the next 5 days. The next day we did the mud baths. That night we were invited to a Wii bowling tournament. They didn't see us coming, we bowled the shit outta that place. The last evening I was invited to a wine tasting with a new friend I had met at a beautiful 5 star resort. It was a nice change to the whole backpacking thing. Our bus left the next night so we went to a place called Bar Oz for our last meat pies and to day goodbye to the great staff and all our friends. We finished up our day with another spa day and caught the bus. Gotta love the bus rides with the man behind us blaring his cell phone music for us and eating fried onions. Always a great combo on a night bus. Danielle and cory were lucky enough to get stuck on the top bunk with no seat belts. Imagine a skinny little bunk with non-exsitant railing to keep you on it as you are pretty much 4X4ing for 12 hours. Now for Cambodia!


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