All you need is a piece of string

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Asia » Cambodia » South » Sihanoukville
November 2nd 2007
Published: November 3rd 2007
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Morning all
Ryan felt much better after a day of sleeping in the hostel so we bravely headed south to the beaches off the gulf of Thailand. It is meant to be like the Thai islands but 20 years ago.
After the usual 4 1/2 hr bus journey we arrive in a shabby bus station and were bomarded as usual by the locals touting for a fare. This time we were inundated with tacky flyers advertising baked beans and dance music. Humm not the quiet retreat we were looking for.
Anyhow we decided on our method of transport and we hopped on the back of 2 motorcycles with our drivers hugging our bags. We felt quite top gun esque zooming down the road by the sea but then realised we were going quite fast and reality hit that it probably wasnt the coolest thing to do. Anyway we managed to survive and arrive at our lodgings.
Our place is nice, right by the sea and not a British chav (yes they do get out here) in sight so we were happy.
In the afternoon we ventured on to the beach and walked up to the end of the cove and settled in. Soon little ladies approached us for massage and beauty treatments. Ry suckered for an hour full body massage and I was embarassedly shown how hairy my legs were and told that she could do something about it.
Well I never, I now have the smoothest legs and all she used was a piece of string?? Ingenious or what.
We leave here tomorrow back to the capital and then head to Saigon on a 2 day boat trip down the Mekong.
By for now 😊


4th November 2007

Poor Ryan
Too much rich food?
6th November 2007

Poor Ryan indeed
He had some stomach bug with sickness, fever and the runs but soon got over that with a course of antibiotics. The the cough came and more fever and continual sleeping. After a trip to the emergency center last night and an x-ray. He has bronchitis! Yes I am carrying around a dead weight :) Only joking - with more painkillers and different antibiotics his is on the road to recovery once more.

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