Viva la Corruptione

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May 23rd 2008
Published: May 23rd 2008
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Yo .. I was a little surprised when I was awaked by a 3 inch black hairy ultra toxic spider which was just about to creep, crawl into my mouth. Bad mistake ... we ate it for breakfast, served with scrambled eggs, some garlic and orange juice. Mmmmhh...
Hello dear Travelblog viewers, a very warm hello to everyone out there and again thanks very much for your support. Whenever a new comment or mesage pops in, it puts a big smile on our dusty rusty faces.
After some "days off"in Sihanouk Ville to recharge our batteries we headed out to the capital of Cambodia Phnom Penh. Hard to believe that the country respectively the population experienced the darkest period in history not so long ago between 1975 and 1979 when this mad creature Pol Pot, leader of the communist red khmer movement, had driven the country into a terrible state applying extremist ideology with ethnic animosity and a diabolical disregard for human life to produce repression, misery, and murder on a massive scale.
We intended to stay 2 days in PP which turned out to be a false assumption due to a unlucky incident on day #1. Irina became a victim of famous street robbery, some sneaky moto gangsters grabbed her handbag while strolling along the river. The prize wasn't such great deal since Irina does not possess any valuables at all ... except an old-fashioned camera, a crappy mobile phone and some bucks ... but much more important
The lady in redThe lady in redThe lady in red

so proud to carry her new interims passport which we just bought on the russian black market. So, gangsters out there, don't even think about stealing it again, Irina will cut your bloody head off.
she lost a piece of document called Reisepass aka Passport.
Well to cut a long story short, we spent almost 2 days with dealing with corrupt so-called police officers. At least the embassy was helpful to get some things done.
Sooo, we gonna set off for new amazing discoveries tomorrow on the way to Battambang and Siem Reap. Pls apologize the poor foto material this time since it's gone with the old camera. Got a new one today and promise to feed you with funny bizarr pix from now on .. if u like 😊
That's it for the moment, good night, sleep tight, sweet dreams and ... watch out for street gangsters ... you're not alone 😊


25th May 2008

I cannot beleive what happened with you folks !
Darlings, hope you folks are getting back to your normal mental state.. i can understand the trauma you might have undergone in the foreign land without an IDENTITY ...glad that the embassy helped you out... i tried calling on Tonys mobile phone 534(last digits), however i could not recognize the voices...i fear sending an message as well... you folks take care of each other and be careful be watchful !! have a nice week ahead. mahe
27th May 2008

ihr lieben! da bin ich aber froh, dass nichts schlimmerers passiert ist! passt gut auf euch auf, alles liebe, petra
29th May 2008

And we blame snails !!
When I think the buzz made about Frenchies eating snails ... and you dare to put the most ugly and frightening and repulsive animal on your mouth. Even dry, even on a picture, it's disgusting ! At least the big snails in my yard are not toxic. Consedering the rain we have lately, I could make a big party with all of them !!

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