Nha Trang, Siem Reap and everything inbetween

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September 4th 2010
Published: September 4th 2010
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After leaving Hoi An we spent the next 5 days or so in Nha Trang chilling out on the beach. Unfortunately when we arrived in Nha Trang we realised our camera and a phone were no longer with us, due to them being stolen from our big bags in the hotel! So we have no photos from here, how ever we did get 5 days of sunshine to improve our tans and sample a bit of windsurfing which was good fun.

We then left here on another sleeper bus (hopefully our last) to Saigon also known as Ho Chi Minh City. We did not spend to long here, but managed to get ourselves a new camera before visiting the near by Ci Chu Tunnels. The tunnels were dug by the Viet Cong during the vietnam war to hide from the Americans. Here we got to see some of the traps set up for the American solider and got to experience the tunnels, they were really small and dark, its hard to believe these people spent a lot of time down there. There was also a chance to have a go at firing some of the guns that were used during the war. One of the Australian guys on the trip had a go with an M60 machine gun it was really loud!

We left Saigon the following day to head to the Cambodian border, arriving later that day in Phnom Penh. We stayed on the lake in a floating guesthouse, which is not as nice as it sounds. However it was cheap and cheerful. The next day we took a trip round the sights which involved a lot of death. The first stop was the killing fields at Choeung Ek where Pol Pot killed thousands of Cambodian people during the 1970's. Here we walked round the fields and saw some mass graves, you could still see the evidence of this event with clothes and bones in the ground where we walked. The next stop was S-21 which was a former school that was turned into a detention centre where people were tortured by Pol Pots Khmer Rouge. Here there was also a lot of evidence through mug shots of the people held here some were small children and many mothers and their babies. After this depressing experience we headed to the nicknamed Russian market, which had an array of foul smells.

The next stop was Siem Reap in the North of Cambodia, so today we spent the day at Angkor Wat looking around many different sights. Angkor Wat was very impressive, the building has been well preserved as there were many details on the stones still visible. As well as Angkor Wat itself there are numerous other sights to see. Including the temples used in the Tomb Raider Movie. This evening we explored the market and enjoyed some Cambodian food. The rain has come back so we decided to take an early night before our journey back to Bangkok tomorrow.

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Photos: 13, Displayed: 13


4th September 2010

I remember the fields
Sounds like your seeing alot and experiancing things we have been woundering what you were up to as it seems an age since we heard from you, But sounds and looks likeyou been buys. look forwardto speaking with you soon. dad xx
4th September 2010

history in action
Well it was so good to hear from you we were all waiting with bated breath, Its a real history lesson for you, i remember these things on the news at the time, especilly the store of skulls it was so shocking. You have a nice tan now with the beach stop. Hope the next bit goes well back in Thialand. Just made some awesome bread cant wait to cook you some at christmas, this baking TV programme is so good, Take care love you both. xxxxxxx
6th September 2010

Hi Laura and Andy We love reading your blog - you must become a reporter you have such a talent. The photo's with the headings are great. Are you and Andy putting on weight or loosing it - with spiders on the menu;) Write a book when you come home. Sending you an email Take care both of you Lots of love Dad and Sue xxxx
13th September 2010

Beach Bums
Howdy beach bums, good to read the last few chapters of your adventures and get myself up to date. Sucks about your camera and phone, but at least you're still doing well and not suffering from pink eye! The beach looked nice and Halong Bay looked ace. I can't believe that photo of all the motorbikes at that traffic light! Mental! Must be carnage when they all set off at the same time. Stay safe and keep trekking. looking forward to the next chapter. Lou

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