Day to Day Life

August 3rd 2009
Published: August 3rd 2009
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L i f e o n t h e T r u c k

I know that I have told a lot about what I do here, but not really what life is like.

This trip is a job. Granted, I never know what day it is, most of the time, I dont know the time and date is insignificant. However, we are always very busy. A lot of times feels like doing nothing. Because this is an overland trip, most days we have to take down our tent just to set them up again at the next point. This means, stuffing the sleeping bag, deflating and rolling the thermarest, packing up the night stand stuff and reloading it all on the truck in your cubby.

Breakfast most days is toast, which I tired of quickly so I bought myself cereal. Jen and I always wait to the last minute to take our tent down, so things always feel rushed in the morning. The advantage of this is that our tent is at the top so we usually get the camp spot that we want.

After breakfast, we all load onto the truck, where most people read, sleep and listen to music. i love sitting in the section of the truck which is called "the beach". It is an area that you can lay down, sunbathe or freeze to death, depending on the time of day. There are seats on the truck that face forward or sideways. I Always try to get a forward facing seat. I find that it helps with the car sickness. A lot of times the only forward facing seats are in the back of the truck, which is the bumpiest.

We stop to have lunch on the side of the road or in the parking lots. Which means we have to unpack our kitchen, make our lunch (which I am always hungry afterwards), do our dished, repack our kitchen and get back on the road. Where we eat more, sleep, read, or listen to music. Sometimes we play games and only once have we drank beers.

When we arrive at the destination, it is always a scramble to get your tent set up and then try to unload all you necessities while 24 other people are trying to do the exact same thing at the same time as you. If you are on cook group, you typically start to cook righ awya and then you finish 2 to 4 hours later. We always eat good dinners. I have had
some really great food on this trip. It is amazing waht can come off a campfire. The best part of cook group is I have learned that I can cook. People always like what I made and that is nice to know. After dinner, you clean, and then sit around the campfire or go to bed and read.

The main point of all this is to let you know that I eat and sleep a lot! I am so lazy on this trip. I have worked out twice i think, but I do stretch a lot and do abs sometimes.

Our home: Jen and my tent is named Lion. We both saw her from the beginning and knew she was the one we wanted. If you step inside the tent facing the back, Jen's stuff is always lined up on the left, her bed our community area, my bed and then all of my stuff is lined up on the right. We typically sleep facing the door so the alarm and Jen are always to the right of me. One night I slept with my head facing the other direction and i woke up very confused.

Our belongings: Our alarm closk is named P


3rd August 2009

So great reading both of your takes me back to those exact same places and it warms my much.

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