It's okay, you can be jealous.

Published: June 3rd 2008
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Yes. We really did. If you don't know what that is, you are an idiot. Or not an anthropologist. It is that big a deal.

We saw him up close and personal (that is, I was able to touch the glass case he was in because hello, he is only one of our oldest ancestors) and I am totally, absolutely planning to exhaust the bragging rights to everyone and their mothers, strangers walking by, and people I share the light rail with that I wrote my name down on the holiest book to anthropologists (besides the Bible, Torah, Koran, etc.) containing all the people who have ever worked on or have been priveleged to see Zinjanthropus since he was unearthed.

Why yes, I am pretty awesome, thank you. I already know you are jealous and it's okay. You can be.


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