The African Day

Africa » Tanzania » North » Arusha
November 11th 2007
Published: November 12th 2007
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I think one of the things people from home ask me the most is, "What is it like living in Africa?" So, I thought I would devote this blog article to trying to give everyone a glimpse into a day in Africa. Usually, my day here is very similar to a day in America. I get up, get dressed, rock the babies, and make some breakfast. John heads off to work and I spend the rest of the day cleaning, playi... Read Full Entry

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Photos: 30, Displayed: 21



Our dryer stacks on top of the washer. It actually sucks the water from the clothes. The water collects in a tray at the bottom and has to be dumped out. Like the washer, an average drying time for a load in about 2 hours. Another reason we don't use it much. It's faster to dry outside.

Actually there should be a picture of me here. :) I have searched all over Arusha and the drain stoppers I have found for the sinks are either too large or too small. So, I found these buckets. One is for washing and one for rinsing.

John took this mainly to show how small it is. I can barely fit two pots side by side. Our fridge is also very small--about half the size of ours in the US.
Voltage Regulator and Surge ProtecterVoltage Regulator and Surge Protecter
Voltage Regulator and Surge Protecter

We have many power spikes throughout the day. We have lost many of our electronics because of this. We now plug everything into a voltage regulator and then a surge protecter.
Daddy's Little HelpersDaddy's Little Helpers
Daddy's Little Helpers

Daniel and Abby helped their daddy to build their new swing in our backyard.
Bible Class in MoshiBible Class in Moshi
Bible Class in Moshi

We went to worship in Moshi Sunday. Here are the kids in Bible class.
Dressed UpDressed Up
Dressed Up

We somehow got both kids to pose with us after church one day.

12th November 2007

The LONG days
The ACSOP is a beautiful facility....well-equipped and so clean and well-maintained. Loved the picture of John 'pontificating' in class :-) I must say, if those babies get any bigger, you'll have to get a hoist to get them out of the buckets in the sink. I'm so proud of all of you and your flexibility and adaptability living in a foreign land. We are really spoiled folks here in America, aren't we? I'll be there soon to swing those cuties on their new swing!!!! We'll let you go shopping on your own while I babysit, and then see how long it takes you to get all your chores done :-) Thanks for the informative new blog. We are 20+ days and counting!!!! Love you Grammy
13th November 2007

The swing looks like fun!!!! Can't wait to try it out!
13th November 2007

Angie: Would you do me a favor? How about taking those different parts and getting "pithy and concise and make a series out of those "different" days and send then to me. Lots of folks don't have computers. I know that is hard to believe but it is true and I got to believe a lot of them would be wildly interested in the difference in your "African" days vs their American days. Think about it. If you will condense them I will publish them and send the NL's to you via snail mail. Wonderful stuff!! Thank you so much. You are a terrific story teller and a great wordsmith. Love you like air girl. See you in a couple of weeks. just ken
14th November 2007

No more complaining
I resolve not to complain for the next 24 hours at least! It takes a special person to deal with those kind of annoyances and keep from losing it! I guess you learn to be very flexible...thanks for the reading the blog. If you ever want a taste of Hill Country, Texas life check out our :)

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