Teacher's Training Class

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February 3rd 2008
Published: February 3rd 2008
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Ladies at the ClassLadies at the ClassLadies at the Class

This is actually after our class, while we were enjoying lunch. :)
I know it has been several months since I have updated the blog. My excuses: We have been very busy and we seem to be in an internet dead zone. We have internet for 5-10 minutes and then no internet for 5-10 minutes. Which, of course, makes updating the blog extremely slow. We have had a good couple of months. John's mother, brother (Andy), and his wife (Kathryn) came in December and were here for 2 and a half weeks. We took them to Arusha National Park, Lake Manyara National Park, The Snake Park, and Peponi Beach. We all had a great time and hated to see them go!!

For several months, many ladies have been asking to be trained to teach children. Since I used to be a teacher, Stephanie asked me if I was up for the challenge of teaching them. Even though I am scared to death of speaking in public 😊, I agreed to teach the class. After much studying, preparing, and worrying I was finally ready to teach the ladies. We had it last Saturday at the Arusha church building. Ladies from 7 different congregations came with 19 total. I taught two short lessons on "The Importance of Teaching the Bible to Children" and "The Responsibilities of a Bible Class Teacher." I then spent the rest of the morning showing the ladies how to teach a class and showing some different activities/games they could play to reinforce Bible lessons. The ladies were very appreciative for the class and many of our "veteran" teachers were excited to get some new ideas to use in their teaching. Shasta Brown came up to me this afternoon and said they announced in Monduli at services this morning that they would be having a Bible class for the children. This is the first Children's Bible class they have had at Monduli!! Please pray that these growing congregations will continue to see the need to train and teach their children God's way.

Have a good week!!!
The Bakers

Additional photos below
Photos: 15, Displayed: 15


Importance of VisualsImportance of Visuals
Importance of Visuals

We talked about different types of visuals to use to help reinforce Bible stories. Here I am demonstrating how to use the flannel graph.
Homemade VisualsHomemade Visuals
Homemade Visuals

In addition to flip charts and flannel graph, I showed the ladies how some visuals could be made at home. I'm not sure why, but they all got a kick out of the man made from a wooden spoon. :)
Don't Forget to Use Your ChildrenDon't Forget to Use Your Children
Don't Forget to Use Your Children

Maddie is helping me demonstrate how to use the children in your Bible class to help tell and act out the Bible story. Here we are acting out the Parable of the Lost Coin.
Our ChefOur Chef
Our Chef

Shasta was our "chef for the day". She made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for all the ladies. :)
Can't Forget the BabiesCan't Forget the Babies
Can't Forget the Babies

Just some new pictures of Daniel and Abby playing. No blog is complete without grandkid pictures. :)
Merry ChristmasMerry Christmas
Merry Christmas

A little late I know. Notice our very small tree behind Abby.
Daniel and His BikeDaniel and His Bike
Daniel and His Bike

We finally got Daniel a "big boy" bike for his birthday. He rides it non-stop.
Uncle Andy and the KidsUncle Andy and the Kids
Uncle Andy and the Kids

Daniel, Abby, and Uncle Abby pose at Lake Manyara National Park.
Camel RideCamel Ride
Camel Ride

Aunt Kathryn and Daniel getting on the camel (at the snake park.)
Before Our New AdditionsBefore Our New Additions
Before Our New Additions

Group shot of all the missionaries, taken at the Christmas dinner at the Jensens. This is before the arrivals of the Samfords, Hochdorfs, and Smelsers.
Daniel and MatthewDaniel and Matthew
Daniel and Matthew

Daniel playing with Matthew Gee.

4th February 2008

I am very proud of how well you did! You should consider doing this for a living!!!

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