Imfolozi Game Reserve

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February 22nd 2007
Published: February 28th 2007
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Today Tezz and I headed to Imfolozi Game Reserve to embark on our 3 day short trail through the unpredictable African wilderness. Thanks to a generous chap named Ian (Tezz’s dad), we had the pleasure of experiencing a real African adventure that will forever be remembered.

On our first day we had only been walking for 2 minutes before one of our two guides holding the guns clicked his fingers - this is the signal to stop, shut up, there’s something there! I looked behind at him and he nodded his head to the left and whispered Buffalo. I couldn’t see anything until this beast showed itself and stormed back into the bush. It was at that moment that I felt safe (at least as safe as you can be) in the hands of these two professionals. If it wasn’t for our guides I probably would have seen nothing, or worse walked into something!

By the end of the first day we had already mastered quietly marching in single file, and stopping at the click of the fingers. Our camp site for the two nights was more than expected complete with beds, some good cooking, and even a shower. Well… it was a bucket hanging from a tree but it provided warm water…which you had to carry to the shower about 50 metres away from camp. Thanks Tezz! The camp is however unfenced, which means it’s just you and the animals.

Throughout our stay at Imfolozi we saw zebras, many impala, nyala that look like Bambi, cute waterbuck, a herd of buffalo which we so kindly disturbed, wilderbeast, snakes, baboons and other monkeys, giraffes, warthogs and little ones too, white rhinos, hyenas, and even had a good look at a leopard on the night drive - rarely is a leopard seen so close. We also saw a hell of a lot of thorn trees which are not good when you’re walking in a line, animal footprints, sweaty people, and sunburnt skin - our last day was 37 degrees.

The most unforgettable part of the trail has to be the white rhinos. The first night I was woken up by what I later found out was a rhino eating grass outside our tent. Did I mention that we camped two nights in an unfenced area? The second day we were charged at by a rhino or two, and
White RhinosWhite RhinosWhite Rhinos

These guys actually had a go at us!
later that day I also had the pleasure of going the toilet (aka a bush) and having to leave because a rhino was watching me! These animals are amazing to see up close, and definitely made my heart thump more than once. I cannot describe the feeling of being face to face with a rhino and nothing in between the two of you, but it’s something I will never forget.

I’m still on the lookout for lions and elephants - until then check out some of the photos. Some of them are taken only metres away on foot!


I can’t get enough of this place. From here we fly from Durban to Cape Town and travel along the coast back to Durban - should take about 3-4 weeks.

Tezz’s say:
Imfolozi was great, make no mistake about it. I was just a little concerned about Granny and Grandpa’s new and uninsured car which we had borrowed.

Prior to driving to our departure point for our guided trail, a woman drove her very dented car to where we were waiting and explained that an elephant had used her car as a leaning post. Most
White RhinoWhite RhinoWhite Rhino

Only metres away and looking right at us
of the panels were dented besides the front. For obvious reasons I was not too keen about parking our car in the same spot, so I spoke to reception and explained the issue whereby the girl said the same thing happened to a car parked at the main camp a week ago (where we were currently at). In the end I left the car parked at the main camp and hoped for the best. Fortunately no elephant had sat on it during the two nights it was left there.

Additional photos below
Photos: 13, Displayed: 13


Nice BuffaloNice Buffalo
Nice Buffalo

We disturbed these guys and moments later they ran away
The Giraffes The Giraffes
The Giraffes

These guys are awesome to see
Tezz eating a bananaTezz eating a banana
Tezz eating a banana

This was our first night at the park
Arfican DrivingArfican Driving
Arfican Driving

In order to overtake the person must move into the emergency stopping lane, when you've past be sure to put your hazard lights on as a thankyou ??
Beep Beep!Beep Beep!
Beep Beep!

Thanks Granny and Grandpa for "the mouse". Behind is our hut we stayed at on the last night.

28th February 2007

Go to Addo, when you come past this way. You should have no trouble seeing elephants there.
28th February 2007

Great photos
Thanks for keeping us up to date with your travels. The photos are fantastic, keep them comming. Take care Love aunty jane
10th March 2007

great pics
Hey Poss Keep the photos coming. What about some with you in them!!!!! P.S. Cant wait to get my b,day prezzie. love you Daddio. xxxxx

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