Bring it on Mugabe!

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October 31st 2006
Published: October 31st 2006
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Tanya serving our mealTanya serving our mealTanya serving our meal

This is my host mother serving our food in the evening. (Can you see the Yorkshire pud?!)
We have booked a trip to visit Zimbabwe, Botswana and Zambia on a safari tour after my project in November/December!
Four of us are joining a camping tour starting in Johannesburg and travelling to Kruger Park (a famous game reserve) to God's Window in South Africa, the Victoria Fall in Zimbabwe, and some big delta in Botswana that's meant to be beautiful. - Can't wait...although I think the bank balance can!

This week has been great at school. I am taking year 11 and year 12 classes for Physics- Today we've been outside measuring trees using trigonometry (yes, it's sounds like the most boring thing in the universe however they have never done anything but book work and loved every minute of it!)

We have also got a paint donation from the local paint shop and we're going to paint a map of the world on the wall, and hop scotch and twister for the little kids.

Lovely to get all your emails and thank you for the messages on the blog! x
P.s. I am cooking an Engligh meal for the family this week and am finding it hard to think of things to do. I have
Nicola and AnjaNicola and AnjaNicola and Anja

It took three girls 3 hours and 2 bottles of wine to cook our roast and chocolate pudding!
so far come up with Yorkshire puddings and triffle, neither of which I have ever cooked sucessfully...any ideas?

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Becky and Emma at MoyosBecky and Emma at Moyos
Becky and Emma at Moyos

This was Friday nights restaurant - Outdoor in a forest with laterns and tree houses. We all got insect repellent, blankets on our chairs and face paints! Really funa nd great food.

1st November 2006

Make sure you get the oil in the pan hot first before you put the batter in or your puddin's won't rise. P.S Only one f in trifle Kirbs
2nd November 2006

Spelling has never been my thing
Just like jokes have never been yours! Cheers for the message Nige. P.S. The yorkshires turned out pretty well, (good advice on the hot apan) although my host family were a bit confused as to the point of them! Hope Thea is well. Can she walk/talk/spell yet?
2nd November 2006

You think that's scary?
Janie has decided that she wants to cook Christmas dinner for my parents, in my mothers kitchen. I think there may be a couple of trial runs if anyone is interested?
4th November 2006

She Mad!
Good luck Janie, I will be very interested in tasting the trail runs- but I may be back too late! It'll be better than our lunches of years gone by on the floor in Nicholas Gardens!! How's the hand Janie, Hope all better - well done on the marathon!x

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