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March 25th 2009
Published: March 25th 2009
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Big Ben Big Ben Big Ben

just one shot from London
Well, I just arrived in Cape Town. Had a long, but good flight to London, overnight Monday. Headed straight for Paddington Station on the Heathrow Express, then took the tube to Westminster. I spent three hours there, walking the area around the parliament buildings, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, crossed the Thames several times, saw the London eye and walked right under it (but didn't take the ride). Then it was off to Buckingham Palace via James's Park. Highlights: just seeing so many things that are famous, getting my picture taken with Big Ben, nice weather--some high level cloud, some sun, no rain, a little cool, the Thames River. Surprises: the multicultural nature of the area--I heard many different languages spoken, the high cost of everything (30 pounds return for the Heathrow Express?). the large ratio of smokers, the number of young people and school kids out. Disappointment: Buckingham Palace--large, but hardly "palatial", at least from the outside, and mostly surrounded by high brick walls.

At 4 pm I headed back to the airport, knowing it would take an hour, plus wanting to be there two hours before boarding for Cape Town. Plus, I was tired from little sleep the night before (7 hr. time change) and lugging two packs around London all afternoon. When I got my boarding pass, I noticed the flight left an hour later, than I thought, so I had a lot of time in the airport--would probably have gone to Tower Hill and Tower Bridge, had I been aware of the extra hour, but not really disappointed because I was tired.

The flight to Cape Town was even longer, but only a 2-hr. time change). Sat beside a retired black university prof who has seen much of the world and included a teaching stint in the US (not impressed). We talked a lot--she lives in London but comes down here a lot, was coming in for a two-day jazz festival.

It's 20 degrees here (cool for this time of year) and some high cloud, but Table Mtn. is visible. Can't check into my hotel until 2 pm, so am killing a bit of time. A bit too tired and sore to climb Table Mtn. this aft., but probably tomorrow morning, if it's clear. All signs here are about 2010, just like in Vancouver, but here it's for the Soccer World Cup (my driver from the airport said everyone here calls it soccer, not football). As is my usual lot, I'll spend the next while just wandering around, getting a feel for the place, locations of things, distances, etc, so that I can maximize my time later. Sorry, no photos yet.


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