and so the traveling begins

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Africa » South Africa » Western Cape » Cape Town
July 16th 2007
Published: August 8th 2007
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And so the traveling begins
Africa » South Africa » Cape Town By erin_e
July 16th 2007

Erin Enderud

So Marnie and I arrived safe and sound in cape town at about 9 am local time (9 hours difference for those of you in calgary). The flight was not as bad as we thought a 12+ hour flight would be. We both amanaged to get some good sleep and we fairly rested when we got off the plane.

Once we got off the plane and through Customs we headed over to baggage claim where Marnie was able to get her bag and I was left with just my carry-on. My checked baggage never came out of the shoot.... Thankfully I had been able to take my hikers back pack on the flights with me, or I might have been left with nothing. I checked in with South African Air's Lost Luggage and they are currently tracking my bag and trying to get it to my hotel before the morning of july 18th, when we leave for the wilds of Africa.

At least the items i have with me are all my meds, clothes and camera gear... Now I just need my other bag that containded my sleeping bag, liner, hiking shoes, sandals and toiletries. At least Marnie packed lots of extra toiletries so at least i wont stink.

If my bag has not arrived by late afternoon tomorrow, i guess i will have to buy some shoes and a sleeping bag... Oh well, i guess that is part of the joy of travelling... 😊

Oh, and then, we checked into our hotel and they have no booking for us... At least they have availability, so we have a room for tonight regardless of our reservation.....

Opps, sorry guys, I am running out of time on the internet and need to get back to the hotel to contact GAP to get our reservations all sorted out.....

Love you all and stay well!



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