Good-bye Cape Town- Hello Adventure

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July 17th 2007
Published: August 8th 2007
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Good-bye Cape Town- hello adventure!
Africa » South Africa » Cape Town By erin_e
July 17th 2007

Erin Enderud

Sorry about the quick end to my entry yesterday... hopefully i didnt owrry everyone too much.

To continue from yesterday, marnie and i headed back to the hotel where we attempted to call the air lines again and see if thet had been able to find my luggage- all we were able to get was a possible busy signal, as using the phones in a different country can be a lot harder than you think. We tried calling many mant many times, but came up empty. So we decided to head to the internet cafe and search the bag finder website that they provided for us. Once i entered my tracking code the screen said it had been located, but didnt tell me where in the world it was.

That night we decided to enjoy one local beer in the hotel bar and that then turned into two and three and acouple more than four... but it was a good time! We met some very interesting locals. John was the local tour desk operator and told some very good tips for staying safe and some of the must see sights. Then there was John's friend, who happened to be a very flamboyant gay businessman (John- not gay) 😊... He was very nice, but very loud and very self-absorbed. We also met the nicest bartender Ntsiki, Ziggy for forigeners. It was very good time, but it went a little late, considering that we were pretty pooped.

When we woke up this morning we headed out to the airport to try to see if they had found my bag, as calling was getting us no answers. Of course murphy's luck- they told me they had just sent out my bag to be delivered to my hotel. YAY!!!! I didnt have to buy all new gear!!

After the air port we went to the V&A Waterfront and enjoyed some delicious crepes at Harrie's Pancakes and listened to some really good african bands singing and playing tradtional african music.

Now it is almost time to head back to the hotel to meet up with the rest of our GAP group and get some sleep for the early start tmorrow. We head out of the hotel at 8 am and then on with the itinierary!

I hope that we can get steady internet along the way...

Love you all!

Stay well!



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