still working..

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Africa » South Africa » KwaZulu-Natal
January 2nd 2010
Published: January 2nd 2010
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I am still working this temp job,saving up some money and then should be heading
towards Rustenburg in the following weeks to take a job there, at a backpackers.

sadly I cannot upload photos from here.. but I will make up for it in the future!!

To Lisa especially- thank you so much for the offer. You are a great person and so is Steve.
I hope all is well with you. The idea for the program has really..well, died. There was no
drive on behalf of the other parties, just myself...and sadly that was not enough. I hope this
job at the backpackers works out. But thank you again!!!

The New Year eh?? wow. it is 2010. the year of the South African Soccer world cup..
should be an intense year.

again sorry about the lack of photos and blogs..this is just temporary.
take care all and happy new year!!


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