Hope Church Ministry Fair

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March 1st 2010
Published: March 2nd 2010
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Last Sunday was a special day for my church here in Durban. After the service Hope Church had a ministry fair to introduce more information on all of our ministries and to hopefully get more people involved. Before my research I served on the Hope Kids ministry and on the day of the Ministry Fair I went early to help them out since the person who runs that ministry is one of my close friends. I took photos of both the set up in the morning and the fair after church. I wanted to post these photos to my blog because it is hard to put into words how much this church and my Hope Church family means to me. I love them dearly and am so blessed to be able to have them in my life. I always joke that if you ask me on Sunday afternoon where I will be next year I will always say Durban because it is too hard to think about leaving my church family!

Additional photos below
Photos: 90, Displayed: 22


21st March 2010

Kayse, you are right on to show the pictures. It says it all. Lots of smiles. Fun and learning going on too. The kids look like they're having a blast. They will remember and associate fun and being together with Hope Church. One question, Which picture has your best friend in it? Enjoy, and never stop giving. Our life and your life is better for it. Stay safe, Carol Gillespie

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