The Frontier into Senegal, Duance Hell, Spirits Rising, Back Again

Africa » Senegal
April 25th 2006
Published: December 14th 2007
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Note: The pictures do not correlate with the story, as it's lengthly and I was too absorbed in those situations to take photos. Each photo has its own caption. Preface: As I gather thoughts for this, it's from a year and a half later, after all the roughest parts of the journey are long since past and the emotional memories are all pleasant ones. But I'd be doing you a disservice not to touch o... Read Full Entry

Photos are below
Photos: 36, Displayed: 21


LOOKS like...LOOKS like...
LOOKS like...

... a Norfolk Pine, but it's not.. A Norfolk would burn there. Could be a great export, if I can figure out what they are!
Goat WashGoat Wash
Goat Wash

This fellow was washing his goats in the ocean. Why not?
Grand Mosque?Grand Mosque?
Grand Mosque?

A mosque at the edge of the ocean... westernmost point in Africa.. and a surf school just behind me as I shoot the picture.
Bringing in the FleetBringing in the Fleet
Bringing in the Fleet

Fishing is a cooperative effort.
Full Overhead waveFull Overhead wave
Full Overhead wave

I could tell ya where the break is, but then I'd have to . .you know...
Modern Meets ManualModern Meets Manual
Modern Meets Manual

The construction techniques may seem a bit crude, but the buildings are solid and nearly all made by hand. The bricks themselves are made in an aluminum form, tamped down, then slid out and left in the sun to dry.
Four Leaf Clover?Four Leaf Clover?
Four Leaf Clover?

The 4-leaf clover is a genetic mistake, an abnormality... and yet we think of it as lucky. Some even keep them in their Bibles. So why is this anything less than beautiful. It's another rich wonder, to me.
Coastline from the LighthouseCoastline from the Lighthouse
Coastline from the Lighthouse

The lighthouse in Dakar gives a beautiful aerial perspective. From there, I was able to look out on both the countryside and the city, the land and ocean, and think back on all the events and scenes that had happened since this trip began... and I realized that, for all the hassles, it was still rich and good... very, very good.

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