Blogs from Swakopmund, Namibia, Africa - page 12


Africa » Namibia » Swakopmund May 31st 2008

We've now arrived in Swakopmund, a reasonably largish town in Namibia after nearly a full week's camping. Camping has been okay (especially considering I've never camped in my life!!), but we're staying in a lodge this weekend which is pretty nice in comparison, ha. I'm quite impressed with the trip so far. It's very organized, and our trip leader, Kat, has been doing this job for four years and has a lot of experience, so it makes it easy. We've got a really nice cook and driver, and the food has been amazing. I don'tknow what I expected, but the food is awesome - I have no idea how the cook makes food for twenty people over a fire like that. We've been eating a lot of local game - springbok, oryx, etc., but we also ... read more

Africa » Namibia » Swakopmund May 4th 2008

Sitting in an internet cafe in Swakopmund, a town on the Namibian coast. The music in here is appalling. At the moment we have a bizarre version of Bridge Over Troubled Water which actually sounds like it's being sung underwater. Namibia is a strange place. There's not much more to add. It's an old German colony and some of the women dress like 19th century German women. Full on outfits with hooped skirts and massive hats. They're not stupid though - they charge tourists money to take photos of hem. I managed a quick photo of one woman from inside our truck which involved some nonchalant waving of my camera before pressing the button. The photo's a bit disappointing though- just a face with a hat. Since Windhoek, we spent a couple of nights in Etosha ... read more

Africa » Namibia » Swakopmund April 26th 2008

So we've been in the little coastal town of Swakopmund now for 4 days. It is suppose to be the top local holiday destination although i think (or hope) that is out of season at the moment as it is very quiet! Whilst we've been here I've been sand boarding (check out the photos), visited the local township and looked around the museums. On the first day a group of us opted for sandboarding down the massive dunes just outside Swakopmund. You could choose to lie down on the board or actually have a snowboard and stand up. I decided to be safe than sorry and do the lie down, I could just seen me breaking a leg or something! We were kicked up with elbow pads, helmit and gloves - thats when it occurred to ... read more
Hold on!
Me and John on the tandem
All who had a go!

Africa » Namibia » Swakopmund April 26th 2008

From Cape Town we headed to Stellenbosch, for 2 nights we stayed there to do some wine tasting and chill out time. Mark and I went to see 10,000 B.C. here while the rest of the group got wasted on sampling wines, we came back to the hostel, the Stunble Inn to a big party though some opted to go to a bar in town, we got to know the new people on the truck. Drove to a proper campsite after leaving Stellenbosch, it was a cold night and this time around I will be sharing my tent through Cairo with Craig. Vioolsdrif is our first bush camp,next to a river. Crossed into Namibia on the 20th April, took awhile cause a number of us have to get the VAT refund from customs, I bought a ... read more

Africa » Namibia » Swakopmund December 24th 2007

I stayed in Johannesburg long enough to realise it was a good place to leave. It was highly recommended not to walk around outside the hostel alone or at night or most other times of the day for that matter. But the biggest and most pleasing surprise was Soweto, a nearby suburb and South Africa's most notorious township. It was incredible how different the reality of Soweto is from its image - the people are approachable and industrious, small shops (spazzas) spring up from shacks on the roadsides, the community help police their own problems, and I felt more than safe exploring the city. There is even a backpackers hostel in the heart of Soweto, which is among the nicer hostels in the country. I abandoned the bike in Jo'burg and committed to hiring a car ... read more
Emergency Petrol Station
Camping in the Okavango Delta
Our guide

Africa » Namibia » Swakopmund December 20th 2007

Hi Everyone, Hope you have all been well since our last blog. We are now in the small, very German town of Swakopmund in Central Namibia on day six of our 41 day journey across Africa. After leaving Uganda we flew into Cape Town, South Africa (via Nairobi and Johannesburg) to spend a few days relaxing and seeing the sights before joining our group for the overland trek that will take us from Cape Town to Nairobi, Kenya. Cape Town is a very pretty and modern city very similar in many ways to Sydney, but also quite different. Despite the fact that apartheid has been gone for several years, the segregation between the races and those with and without money is obvious if you look any deeper than the thin veneer that cloaks the city. From ... read more
Townships of Cape Town
Cape of Good Hope
Penguins of the Cape

Africa » Namibia » Swakopmund December 1st 2007

I don't like camping. I like hotels with soft mattresses and big fluffy duvets and en suite bathrooms with power showers and flat screen TVs with numerous cable channels and tea and coffee making facilites and minibars and biscuits in cellophane wrappers and room service and your bed made up every day by someone else. Memories of camping on family holidays still give me the shivers, and I swore never ever to do it again. It therefore came as quite a surprise to a lot of people, not least me, that I spent five of the last seven nights with Gemma lying on the ground with only a thin mattress and sleeping bag for protection, in a two man tent made from canvas that didn't have any room to stand up in, and where a trip ... read more
Truck Gets Puncture
Fish River Canyon
Gemma of the Desert

Africa » Namibia » Swakopmund November 25th 2007

Hi all it's me again from beautiful Swakopmund in Namibia. After our sandstorm desaster we left early morning for the Seal Colony at Cape Cross. The colony usually consists of about 450,000 seals, but two bad fishing seasons have more than halfed that number. It was still an impressive sight, an incredible stench, and noise! A lot of seals were pregnant or had just had their babies, one of them actually gave birth in front of our eyes! I have to say, it was a bit of a disturbing sight that some of the babies were dead and were carried away by jackals, but this is nature is suppose. It seemed like every seal in the place had just produced a little one, and if all of them survived the world would have been taken over ... read more

Africa » Namibia » Swakopmund October 20th 2007

Hi! So I am writing this from the nice, cool, breezy Swakopmund where I just finished a 10k this morning. It was really fun and definitely easier than running the marathon they have here (I say that like I was actually contemplating running it, which I wasn't at all!) . It was a beautiful run side were the dunes and the other side was the ocean. I came in just at an hour which was good for me. I actually paced myself really well, and had a lot of energy at the end...maybe my next race could be a 1/2 marathon...we'll see! So just a few differences b/w Namibian races and races back in the US: 1) There were only about 100 runners in the marathon and about 40 people in the 10k so we ... read more
Waiting to start...
The finish line...
My friend Josh

Africa » Namibia » Swakopmund October 16th 2007

Travelling through hot desert country and have seen lots of great mountains and lots of deserts of course! Hot and dusty but magnificent country. Have seen a number of animals on the way incuding oryx, kudu, mountain zebra, springbok, ostrich and flamingoes at Walvis Bay. The campsites are quite good - often with a swimming pool to cool off after a long hot day on the road, but so COLD! ... read more
Dunes at sunrise
Lizard for lunch

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