Orientation in Accra

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July 15th 2006
Published: August 3rd 2006
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Hey everyone,

I arrived in Heathrow really early in the morning 10th July and met the other volunteers from the UK. There were 5 of us - Helen, Julie, Mark, Vishal, and me. So eventually we got on the flight that would take us to Ghana via Frankfurt (Germany). At first i was a bit confussed how none of the other people on the plane look particulary Ghanian - or would travel there, before realising that we were going to Germany first! doh. To be fair though - i was was really tired and it was 4/5am the morning after the world cup final, and id done all the packing just before leaving for the airport. After about 80 mins we arrived in Frankfurt and were taken straight to the boarding lounge. After having our tickets checked by the extreemly camp German check-in clark we boarded the plane. The plane would have a stop-off in Lagos (Nigeria) before arriving into Accra.
Finally we arrived into Accra and within seconds of walking into the airport the power failed while being greeted - "welcome to Ghana" To be fair though the elctricty has been fairly reliable since.
After passing through customs and collecting our bags were were met by a SYTO guide (Student youth travel organisation?) - who turned out to be quite a legend - and driven to our hotel - The Pink Hostel. Strangly though it wasn't pink! After being taken to our rooms there was not much we could do. None of us had any local currency so we just sat around doing nothing till tea.

Ovet the next few days we got our money changed and were shown around some of the sights of Accra with the other SYTO volunteers at the hostel - who were all girls! Think it was 9 others from Holland, Germany, Belgium, Ireland and another British.

A few places we went to:
La Badi Beach (la beach) where we just relaxed in the sun and i was given drumming lessons
Makola Market - A huge african market - thousands packed into a 1km squared area - im sure you can image. Very busy!
Nkrumah Mausoleum - resting place and museum of first presedent

In the evenings all the volunteers together would go to a nearby restaurant - Paloma Hotel for a meal and a few drinks before returning back. It was here that we first tried Club/Star beers - both made in Ghana and both graet, though Star is more refreshing. At 7,500 cedis in most bars (50p) for 660ml - way more than a pint its a bargin!

Anyway, soon our time in the capital was up and we had to board buses to our respective placements. Some based nr Temale (v.north), some staying around Accra, and the rest including me, moving 150 miles or so north-west to Kumasi. (Ghana's second city)

Hope everyones good. Sorry it took so long to start this blog.

Additional photos below
Photos: 9, Displayed: 9


Pink HostelPink Hostel
Pink Hostel

My new home - (well was for 4 nights)
Drumming on the BeachDrumming on the Beach
Drumming on the Beach

Im teaching him all this

4th August 2006

Hey Thrasher!
Nice to see you joining the blogging community Ash, Keep us informed of your African Adventure. Mike
4th August 2006

Welcome to the revolution!
Ashleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!! S'up dude. Good to see you've joined our merry band of travelbloggers. Enjoying reading about your travels, keep up the good work and I look forward to a few snaps with your pretty little face in 'em! Oh, and cheers for the Birthday message! x
4th August 2006

Great to hear from you - looking forward to hearing drumming skills on your return. All well here. lovely pics but where were you? Seems like you've got hang of new camera. keep in touch. Lots of love xxx

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