Grammar Rockin

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February 24th 2008
Published: February 24th 2008
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I know you just heard from me a few days ago. I’m really not trying to clog your mail box with these postings. When I was in town last weekend I was not able to get a good connection to the internet. Due to the heavy harmatan dust in the atmosphere, phone lines, satellite itself or maybe even all of the above, for whatever reason, I just couldn’t get out there. I came back to town the end of the week and was able to connect.

This past week Lewis Roberts spent three days with us teaching. Kirk also spent three consecutive days in the classroom. Wow! What a dream it was. All of the students were quiet and occupied. It was an enjoyable teaching and learning environment for all of us. I dream of what we could accomplish with a school full of teachers as well as students!

Do you remember those, stick in your mind, “Grammar Rock” commercials that use to be on TV? “Conjunction junction what’s your function...” Kirk was able to find and order them on line! We have one laptop computer promised to the school. We also have a solar power outfit promised. When these promises are fulfilled our students will be Grammar Rockin!

CDs and DVDs are so easy to post over seas. If you slip them into a small padded envelope and address it to us (PO Box DW512, Dunkwa-on-Offin, Ghana W. Africa) it should be in our hands within 10 days! So, if your kids, grandkids, or friends kids have outgrown those “educational” and “interactive” computer DVDs send them our way. We’re not interested in computer games we want the computers to concentrate on education. As I mentioned last week, Kermit the Frog taught Praise his shapes and colors.

I have a crazy idea if I can acquire a KG class on DVD. I’d like to have oh … say … one hour each day when the mother, grandmother, aunts, fathers etc, attend the “virtual KG classroom” with their child! We could educate the entire village of (ha, ha) 50 adults. I think the computer aspect would draw in the adults. Maybe even something like a season of Sesame Street could work. I’m sure the mothers could find just one hour to invest in themselves. They all feel the pains of their own lack of education. Now it could
What Are They Doing!?What Are They Doing!?What Are They Doing!?

They can't be Grammar Rockin just yet. Must be simply enjoying the day.
be available to them as well as their children.

I say “thank you” to everyone who has invested in this whole project. This past week we received a gift of brand new, still crispy and stiff, books for the school library. In and among them was an “I Spy” book which is similar to “Finding Waldo”. This particular one has a variety of words to read and objects to find. I expect this will keep the older students occupied while I teach the younger ones. We were also recently introduced to the number game “SuDoku”. The students love it!

Have a great week
Christine & Co


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