About angels and activations

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February 7th 2007
Published: February 7th 2007
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To start with the angels...About 2 hous ago I got robbed, that means I could not find my wallet anywhere when having a tea....OEPS...old trauma's came alive (I was robbed before)...but I just stayed relatively calm and said to myself ' It will be allright Jon' . I went to the police station and there was my wallet (with everything in it), I just couldn't believe my eyes and hugged the police officer who was very embarassed about this...haha..anyway, the sory is a bit misty but some guy found my wallet on the street and brought it to the police...I remember being hassled by a guy but that's it...it is not important. Off course I rewarded this guy with generousity and he and I had a nice cup of tea..see the picture.
So, off course from now on I will use my moneybelt, mam you were so right.....hahaha

Now, my day was just great! I got picked up at 3.30 am and went to Abu Simbel, we arrived there at 7.30 am.
I was shocked by the amount of people and busses, but that's how things go here. So I had to be very creative and focussed to find some little time and place to tune in to the energies and meditate on the ' hiding' of the gemstone.
I found the 2 temples beautiful, but not stunning and somehow I felt on everything that the whole scene had been moved, due to the rising of the water of Lake Nasser and contruction of the High Dam.
I put the stone outside in the floor at a place in between the Ramses2 Statue Temple (male...) and the Neferte temple (female...)
I would like to share these words:
This is the moment that has been waiting
With your friendly but powerful faces you make this statement.
Here I am Where I want to be Here I am where I can see.
With love and grace accept this little gift this little stone. Just so your friendly statues but immensely powerful statues made of stone, but now TOGETHER smile again.

Later on we went to the island of Philae where the temple complex, dedicated to Isis is situated. This complex also has been moved, but I felt there was still a lot of energy in the stones, this is why I put the second stone in a little gap in the wall...
Unfortunately we only had 1 hour (I could have stayed a whole day because the temple and surrounding is so very very beautiful). Still I found some very precious and private moment to come with these words:
Allthough you have been moved, I still feel the pureness, the beginning of Love. Soft, emcompassing yet you swing with your hips. It is a great honour te be here with you. Teach me as I teach You with this little stone of love and passion thet You are Me

Now, the next few days I have all the time and rest to let things settle down and ground, it feels as such a powerful way to play with my own growing and at the same time I feel very connected with All that is at the moment. I find it very challenging to balance between having great fun (ahua-belaban-mafish-sugar), meet people and at the same time be very serious, cultural and 'sacred'.
I will be sailing the next days, so my next blog will take a while..
Happy and greatful greetings, Jonnie

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9th February 2007

Thanks for sharing again!
Hi Jonnie, I am truly enjoying your posts, its like I am there with you. I always wanted to go "back" to Egypt, but never made it so far. Enjoy!! Within Love, Wilhelmina
10th February 2007

Love the orbs in Isis's sanctuary
My life ambition was to go to Egypt which I did Nov 2005, what a time you have in front of you! Try to get into Sekmhets temple at Karnak. Can't wait to read your blog when you go into the great pyramid. The energies at Abu-Simbel wre scattered, but all the others are awesome, enjoy

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