Common Traveller Types


Travel Blog Travel Guide - Beginners Guide to Independent Travel

Planning and Preparation

Common Types of Trips - 2

Mid-Length Breaks.

A mid-length break typically is from a month to 3 months. Though the time is not necessarily going to change your life, it will certainly enhance it.

Career Break
Job just getting too much at the moment ? Ask your employer for a career break. If you do and if it's a choice between a resignation or a sabbatical, many employers will opt for the sabbatical. One of the advantages of this approach is that of security, you know you have a job to go back to, though there is a disadvantage - you know you've got a job to go back to.
The other option, resignation, is sometimes preferable - perhaps if the job market is bad, or if a change in direction is wanted. Employers often respect time out to go travelling rather than being unemployed.

Satisfying a case of wanderlust.
Itchy feet? - you've got either athletes' foot or a strong case of wanderlust. There is only one thing to do. Get out there and see some things. You probably know where you want to go, maybe it's a specific thing - do you have a Japan fetish ? Well go - it's cheaper than you think. Take the time you need and do it.

If you still have itchy feet - there are a huge number of athletes' foot cures available at your local pharmacy. Still got a problem ? - uh oh - you've caught the travel bug - there is only one cure for this particular disease.

Something I have to do before I die.
This slightly morbid heading goes to the category of wish fulfillment, for some it's seeing the Taj Mahal, for others scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef, or climbing the Himalayas - you know what it is, go do it.

Short Breaks

Get me out of here!!
Tired of the same old routine ? A long weekend away to somewhere different has become a lot easier and cheaper with the increase in cheap flights to interesting locations just a few hours flight time away (particularly relevant at the moment in Europe). Look at Last Minute Deals, or just get the flight and book your own hotel, the opportunities are immense. For example, city breaks from London to Paris, Copenhagen and even Budapest are but a short inexpensive flight and a world away. Its far better than a stressful, time-consuming and expensive drive to these particular cities.

Next: Trip Styles

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