Common Traveller Types | Travel Guide


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Common Types of Trips aka Common Travellers

Year Long Travels

The gap year.
The gap year is probably the most common type of extended travel, undertaken by students in the year immediately after school, college or university. Travelling the world during this period is a very common goal. This enables gap year students to broaden their experience, increase their understanding of themselves and others, as well as being a fun and interesting time. After a gap year of travel, students are able to go to university or start a career with an additional level of confidence. This really does work.

Typical characteristics : most people in this group tend to be lone travellers or with a close friend, in the age 18 - 22 bracket, on working holiday visas, often doing any kind of job they can find.

Mid-Twenties Crisis
Vast numbers of people mid-way through the start of promising careers realize that this is not what they wanted to do their whole lives! This often coincides with finally paying off the debts from university educations, or the saving of enough money to put a deposit on a house, and then realizing that there is more to life than careers, office politics and material things, like increasing the size of the DVD collection. One massive positive out of all these negatives is that confused, possibly disillusioned career people can embark on one the most worthwhile experiences of their lives, which might well be life changing.

Typical characteristics : often the lone traveller, usually from a 'good job', discovering more about themselves than they had ever imagined. They are often found in very adventurous situations!

Pre-Kids (or Pre-house) Splurge
Couples stuck in careers, having worked hard for many years, seen nothing, could buy a house and would like to have kids - but how do you take kids to the Amazon rain forest? Many couples seem to go on these journeys, which become voyages of self discovery. They represent quality time spent together, getting to know each other fully and deeply in times of crisis, adventure and wonder. Most end up happily, but be warned when the chips are down some relations don't stand either the strain or the temptations.

Typical characteristics : couples, stable relationships, shared dreams. Matching fleeces or backpacks are giveaways.

Mid-Life Crisis
Holy cow - divorce, depression, battling the bulge, I gotta get out of here! No healthier way to cope with a mid-life crisis than to see something of the world, where things will really be put in perspective. In addition to all the other advantages, you will probably lose weight backpacking.

The typical characteristics are obvious.

Spend the Kids' Inheritance
You can't take your assets with you when you die, and the kids probably don't need or want your money to be left to them. So spend it - do some travelling, see the sites you have always wanted to before it's too late. Travel light, spend the extra which you have on slightly better hotels or more interesting adventures. Live your dreams while you can.

Next: Traveller Types (continued)

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