Christopher D. Wright


Christopher D. Wright

My husband and I are passionate about traveling and food. When we travel, our goal is to get a real feel for the place we are visiting. We do not just seek out the main attractions but get off the beaten path, try to experience what the locals experience. We have a great respect for other cultures, history and food. We try to work all of this into our travels. I started this Blog to share our adventures in hopes that others might have a better experience when they travel.

Our last full day of Vacation coincides with our last day trip. Today we are off to Colonia Del Sacramento, across the La Plata River in Uruguay. Historically, the small city was settled by the Portugues, and then the Spanish took over. There was a brief attempt by the British to gain control but that didn’t really go anywhere. With this history the Colonia of today has a touch of Portugues and Spanish influence. Fodor’s descriptive is that Colonia redefines charm with its old-world architecture, serenity and water lapping at sandy shores. It is charming, and the historic barrio is all you need to see. Unless your looking for that all-inclusive, entitled experience, then there are plenty of resorts a bit up the coastline. As for sandy beaches, we didn’t see any, but the river is ... read more
Arriving Colonia del Sacramento
Street of Sighs

The original title for this blog was going to be “The Boys that Lunch,” since that is basically all we did today, but after lunch and dinner it seemed this was a more appropriate title. Certainly, a large Spanish influence in South America makes more sense than French, but surprisingly other than the language there isn’t much that feels Spanish about Argentina. There are a large number of Spanish restaurants, but they don’t really observe siesta, and the culture is entirely different. Argentina seems to have completely shaken off their Spanish Colonial roots in their efforts to have their own identity. One of the interesting things about traveling here, is that the history is basically parallel to that of the United States New York and Buenos Aires were growing and thriving at the same time. Buenos ... read more
Serving the Tortilla

Each day I blog, which is typically either the afternoon, or in the morning following the day I am blogging about (which is what I am doing now) I sit at my blogging desk and lookout over San Telmo. San Telmo and La Boca (in the distance from my view) are the oldest neighborhoods in Buenos Aires. The tours and tour books, all agree that San Telmo is where the city was born. We have been in and out of San Telmo throughout our trip, but today most of the day is dedicated to this area. The only timed tour of the day was Casa Minima (you will not find this in the guidebooks.) The day started as most of them have, breakfast in the breakfast room. I have stopped eating the scrambled eggs and now ... read more
Casa Ezeiza
Hand Crafted Mate Cups
Empanadas in the Market

Today was supposed to be a day trip to Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay. It turned out instead to be a result day in Buenos Aires. We were scheduled for the 8:30 ferry, which meant we had to be up at 5 to get ready and get to the terminal in time. The alarm went off at 4:30, and it kept going off. When I asked Jerry to hit the snooze, he said from a dead sleep “I am trying.” He was not trying he was dreaming that he was hitting the snooze button, finally he did manage to wake up enough to hit it. In the meantime, my back up alarms did not go off, it helps if you use am instead of pm when you set it. The alarm went off again, it was now ... read more
Fugazzeta Milanesa
Pisco Sour
Steak Tartar

My blogging must be really lagging this trip, or no one is interested in Argentina. It does seem that it is a country not traveled much by North Americans. The vast majority of fellow travelers seem to be from 1) other South American Countries 2) Chinese 3) a few from the UK and Australia 4) everywhere else. Nonetheless, it is worth the trip despite the difficulties that can be encountered because of the “That’s Argentina” affect. This time of year, end of Spring at home, end of Fall here, does seem to be the ideal time to visit. It is not tourist season and the weather is very mild. There is always a constant level of humidity, so it either feels hotter or colder than it really is depending on the day. It also means that ... read more
El Zanjon de Granados
Interior El Zanjon

We are now back in Buenos Aires. There really isn’t much to blog about for yesterday, basically just a travel day. The flight back over the Andes seemed much less than when we flew into Santiago. The mountains also seemed much steeper. We at least had more comfortable seats, it was a true premium economy two seats to each row. The food they serve on the plan (if you can call it that) is horrible. The best I can describe it is very bad grade school cafeteria food. I know that anyone who went to school in the Portland Metropolitan area will understand what I am about to say. On the rare occasion we go hot lunch in school, there was also a staple item on the tray. A butter sandwich. White sandwich bread (probably Wonder ... read more
The Wait
Keeping them Happy

Woke up at 6:30 to get ready for our trip to the coast, the Pacific Coast. Had a bit more leisurely breakfast as we were ready sooner than normal. I really have to teach the people of South America to make scrambled eggs. They put way to much liquid in them and zero seasoning of any kind. We did learn a good tip from a British couple, at the omelet station just have them cook you eggs any style. The man looked like he had the perfect over easy egg. After breakfast, it was off to the car for our 90-minute drive to the coast. Traffic was a bit heavy getting out of Santiago, but once on the autopista you can drive 75 miles an hour. Not that everyone else isn’t driving more like 100. I ... read more
La Concepcion Ascensor
Chilean Scallops
Reineta al Mantequilla

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago May 14th 2024

We have had a full day, back in the room for the moment, well for the night, we just decided that once again we are not hungry enough for a full meal, so we will forgo getting dressed for dinner, dealing with the metro there and back when we aren’t really hungry for a nice dinner. That seems to be happing a lot this trip, could be metabolism changing as we get older, we are eating to much at lunch (which really isn’t the case) but for whatever reason we have cancelled a lot of dinners. Trust me we are not going hungry but are saving money. On top of that, I am exhausted and we have a drive to the coast tomorrow. So why not enjoy this very nice room we have? Back to our ... read more
View on the way up
Santiago, Andes in the Background

South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago May 13th 2024

Another early travel day, well not 4 am early, but still up by 6 so we could make our 11 am flight to Santiago. We did have time for a quick breakfast before we were in the cab at 8. Travel Tip, if your flying to another country out of Buenos Aires, you do need to allow extra time, getting through immigration is not a quick process. We were fortunate as our hotel concierge made sure we had a taxi at 8 so we had plenty of time to get to the airport (the in city airport), immigration and customs. Once through security, immigration and custom we still had 90 minutes before our flight. This is only because we got to the airport earlier. If we would arrived 30 minutes later, we would barely have made ... read more
The Andes
View from my blogging station
Iglesia San Francisco

This will not be a very long entry; we basically did nothing but change rooms and dinner. It all started last night. The last several days the hotel management has left numerous notes about whether we were satisfied with our stay and if we would rate them a 10 on a scale of 1 -10. Well last night since we did not go to dinner, we decided to respond. We aren’t really dissatisfied, but we certainly didn’t believe we could give it a 10. There have been a few food issues (which they corrected quickly and we now have a free dinner coming) and the wine glasses could be cleaner. The staff has been fantastic, friendly and welcoming. The concierge particular have gone out of their way to secure reservations for us here and in Santiago ... read more
Entry Way
New Room
Junior Suite

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