A Change in Plans (“That’s Argentina’)

Published: May 12th 2024
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Bonus Picture from Iguazu Bonus Picture from Iguazu Bonus Picture from Iguazu

because That's Argentina"
This will not be a very long entry; we basically did nothing but change rooms and dinner. It all started last night. The last several days the hotel management has left numerous notes about whether we were satisfied with our stay and if we would rate them a 10 on a scale of 1 -10. Well last night since we did not go to dinner, we decided to respond.

We aren’t really dissatisfied, but we certainly didn’t believe we could give it a 10. There have been a few food issues (which they corrected quickly and we now have a free dinner coming) and the wine glasses could be cleaner. The staff has been fantastic, friendly and welcoming. The concierge particular have gone out of their way to secure reservations for us here and in Santiago Chile. The main issue was a very unpleasant smell coming from the bathroom that also impacted the entry. We had hoped it would eventually go away. Unfortunately, it did not. So, we decided to respond as they requested and sent them a very short e-mail. Starting with all the pluses and then the few issues that we did have.

The e-mail sent, we
Entry WayEntry WayEntry Way

Change in Room
just relaxed, still stuffed form empanada and tea, enjoying our wine. About 30 minutes after we sent the e-mail the phone rang. It was the night manager, concerned with our e-mail. He wanted to fix the problem right away. He offered us a better room immediately, it was 10:30 pm so the last thing we wanted to do was switch rooms. We asked if we could just speak about it tomorrow. He said of course, “I have made detailed notes to give to the morning manager.” With that we continued our wine then went to sleep.

The next morning, we decided to take them up on a different room. We only had one tour booked, which I managed to reschedule and get a refund. We went down to breakfast, then came back up and showered. After we were showered and changed we went down to the front desk. The morning manager was assisting another guest, but everyone at the front desk was aware of the room change. This was in one way confrontational, and we really just thought they would switch us to another similar room. We did want to look at the room first, just to make sure there was no smell. The bellman took us up to the room, when we walked in, we were a bit taken back, it was not the same type of room, it was a junior suite, huge, bigger than our New York Apartment. We of course said yes we will take this room.

With the bellman’s assistant we spent the next few hours packing moving rooms and unpacking. After that we had the rest of the day free. We went to the lobby bar for lunch, it was decent. I had an interesting version of a chicken sandwich, and some vino blanco. Jerry had ham and cheese, (he is very consistent in his eating patterns.) After lunch Jerry was off to pick up our laundry and I did staff evaluations. Lucky for them I was relaxed and in a good mood. I also had to respond to some work e-mails and review a tax return. Work done, and Jerry back, we folded laundry and now Jerry is packing. Tomorrow we are off to Santiago, Chile for three nights. The only official outing and item that was on the itinerary for the day is Dinner, but now it is just Wine Thirty. Oh, and I have to pick out my gift from the firm, for surviving employment for the last 10 years. The longest place I have ever worked, not counting my own firm.

* * *

Yet another change in plans. We cancelled yet another dinner reservation. We ate a late lunch, and now there is just no way we can go eat half a cow for dinner. We still have some leftover empanadas that we made in cooking class so that will be dinner tonight.

This has been a very different trip than any we have taken before. We typically stick pretty closely to our itinerary, here given strikes, and other issues, we veer off track often. We are having a great time, but it is a very different experience that usual. It is a difficult country to travel in, not because of the language, but it is more that things change constantly. Something is open then it is closed or there is an impromptu strike. Museum’s aren’t where they are suppose to be, or at least Google Maps has zero clue of what it is doing. And the lack of paper maps is just intolerable. Jerry is having a hard time navigating because he just doesn’t have a good map to get his bearings. Thank god, taxi’s are dirt cheap or we would be lost half the time.

We are just a little over halfway through, but we are truly in vacation/travel mood. Chile will be a nice change of pace, maybe.

Tips and Observations

1. Definitely visit but be extremely flexible in your planning.

2. It is probably better to visit when you’re not in your 60’s, unless your on a guided tour, which we hate. There is a lot of walking, the streets are a walking hazard, in bad repair and easy to trip (and no I have not tripped or fallen at all). It is also not very accessible.

3. This is not for foodies. The food is good, but if your looking for a foodie experience this is not the country for you.

4. You better like beef. There are other options, mainly vegetarian, but beef is absolutely king here and the thing they excel at.

5. At least now, be prepared for the poverty. We of course are not staying in the posh section where all the trendy hotels and entitled jerks stay, we are in the heart of the city on the edge of San Telmo. So yes, things are a bit more real here.

6. People are very friendly, but please know some Spanish, you will get much further.

7. Don’t be an ugly American, tip at least 10%!a(MISSING)t all restaurants.

8. If breakfast is included, leave a small tip, it goes a long way in making them feel appreciated.

Well tomorrow is Chile, until then.


13th May 2024

Travel tios6
Great tips at the end. You should publish a travel tips blog for the many countries and areas that you have traveled.

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