5 Bloggers

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Joined : December 28th 2014
TB followers 0
Blogs: 1
Comments: 3
Photos: 0


View "55beachgirl" Travel Blog

50 Shades of Age

50 Shades of Age

Joined : August 12th 2014
TB followers 2
Blogs: 2
Comments: 2
Photos: 28

50 Shades of Age

Kathy is a 50 something year old who has been blogging at www.50shadesofage.com for the past 20 months. She is married with 2 children and has spent most of her life being a housewife, mother and working as an Accounts Administrator in the public school system. Kathy loves to write about issues that face the middle-aged woman as they are facing menopause, kids leaving the nest and retirement. However, her greatest passion is travelling and writing about it. She had just returned from a six month trip around Australia and has captured this once in a lifetime adventure with a series of photos and blogs.
View "50 Shades of Age" Travel Blog

James Johnston


Joined : May 7th 2013
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Blogs: 1
Comments: 3
Photos: 1

James Johnston

I am a 22 year old musician currently touring around australia doing 50 gigs in 50 days across 5 states. I am doing it with my band the DRIFT to raise awarness and funds for the Australian Childrens Music Foundation. I am travelling from coastal australia into the desert and every where in between. follow me on my journey
View "50in50tour" Travel Blog



Joined : January 8th 2013
TB followers 2
Blogs: 40
Comments: 45
Photos: 528


There's 6 of us travelling to India. It's Terry, Janice, Deborah, Lisa and myself, Anna, with one solo male traveller, named Doug, the brave soul that he is. Thus the name of our site. 5 Women and a Dug. Our travels commence Jan 12th in New Delhi and continue through many diverse regions throughout the country. Lisa and Anna travel for 3 weeks where the remaining 4 continue on until early to mid March. We invite you to follow along and post your comments. We enjoy reading them as much as you look forward to our updates.
View "5WomenandaDug" Travel Blog

Derek & Melissa Dikstaal

50 Degrees

Joined : February 24th 2012
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Blogs: 1
Comments: 3
Photos: 0

Derek & Melissa Dikstaal

For out fiftieth birthdays we are travel to 50 degrees south and 50 degrees north for our respective birthdays starting in Argentina
View "50 Degrees" Travel Blog

Melanie Earp


Joined : May 27th 2011
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Blogs: 21
Comments: 7
Photos: 150

Melanie Earp

The original plan was to just do 3 months volunteering to get some experience before I could start applying for jobs in conservation....and it just grew!! I have had to reel myself in a little and am now doing 'The World' in 2 halves, with possibly some other little excursions in between. The first half being Ghana, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, New Zealand and Australia. More details later. After looking into volunteering and realising how expensive some of the projects were I decided to go it alone and I'm hoping that my personal experiences will help others to realise that you don't have to spend £800 -£1500 per week to volunteer. Having said that I can see why, in some instances, it is expensive, it takes a lot of planning, research and organisation. I've spent the last 18 months or so planning my trip and I've probably still missed something but that's part of the adventure. Anyway, my trip starts on 9th June (thanks to Alitalia) more later. Hopefully someone will find my rantings interesting.
View "50plustravellerchick" Travel Blog

stacey robinson


Joined : January 23rd 2011
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Blogs: 4
Comments: 6
Photos: 0

stacey robinson

Starting to get my nomad feet (guess that means I could do with a shower?!).
View "5tac3y" Travel Blog



Joined : March 22nd 2008
TB followers 0
Blogs: 17
Comments: 11
Photos: 458


Howdy and welcome to my continuous project - Steve's travel blog! So far, read about my travel stories from home in Australia, Ski Trip to Mt Hutt - New Zealand, London and UK, running amuck in Europe - travelling with Contiki European Experience in May 2008, Dubai in the Middle East and more! I've just scored a job with Big White Ski Resort in Canada and I'll be off in November to the winter wonderland that awaits - eh! Plenty more to come in the next few months hopefully - enjoy. Skype me: down.under.steve [countdown=20081104 text=Time till Canada!]
View "57eev" Travel Blog



Joined : February 22nd 2008
TB followers 0
Blogs: 1
Comments: 2
Photos: 3


Going on a Magical Journey to Retford
View "5h31d0n5" Travel Blog



Joined : October 12th 2007
TB followers 0
Blogs: 36
Comments: 105
Photos: 141


View "5vor12" Travel Blog

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