1 Bloggers

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Ruth Liam

10 Years 10 Countries

Joined : December 29th 2014
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Blogs: 3
Comments: 2
Photos: 89

Ruth Liam

You live and learn. My struggles and my triumphs is what defines me. My children are the one that gave me essence. My family and friends are the addition of my completeness. I’m strong because people believe that I am strong. I get hurt but I have high tolerance of pain. I struggle and struggle and struggle because nature is training to be phenomenal. I help not for self-gratification, but because it's my human obligation. I don’t agree on “favors.” I learn to know what love is and then I love. I am radiant because I am the reflection of the people that are surrounding me. It takes an extraordinaire to appreciate me. I choose my world to be my heaven and I alone have the power to make my world hell.
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Naema Nora


Joined : December 21st 2014
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Photos: 22

Naema Nora

2014 marks the change I need in my life. Life is an endless cycle, always revolving, always a surprise :) I’m looking forward to a great year ahead, filled with spontaneous trips, along with planned ones. Who knows, maybe I’ll be bumped into one of you who reads my blog ! xoxo
View "1024" Travel Blog

Noushin gharegaz

1000 miles to nowhere

Joined : July 28th 2014
TB followers 4
Blogs: 10
Comments: 18
Photos: 1,436

Noushin gharegaz

نوشین دوچرخه سواری جهانگرد ازایران که سفرم به کشورهای دیگر از تنها تجربه کم من در تهران و تنها سفر یک هفته ای به دور جزیره قشم شروع شد و در نهایت تصمیم به همراه شدن با دوستان همسفر خارجی و سایکل توریستهای حرفه ای که کشورهای زیادی رو با دوچرخه پدال زده بودند گرفتم و من از راه پامیر ،تاجیکستان که سخت ترین ولی معروف ترین مسیر دوچرخه سوران جهان است شروع کردم با . دوچرخه ای نه چندان حرفه ای و حداقل امکانات ضروری سفر و کوله باری خالی از تجربه جاده ،برنامه این مسیر چالش برانگیز از تاجیکستان مرز به مرز تا آسیای شرقی جنوبی و یا آسیای دور و در نهایت أمريكاي جنوبي ادامه دارد . بسیار امیدوارم در تمام این مسیر مایل به مایل با دوچرخه در جاده ه های دنیا سفر کنم و تک تک تجربیاتم ، خاطرات روزهای جالب و آشنایی با تمدن ها و فرهنگ های مختلف کشورهای جهان رو با شما در میون بذارم و امیدوارم به کسانی که بعد از من خواهند رفت کمک بزرگی خواهد کرد. . من فكر ميكنم به عنوان یکی از اولین زنان دوچرخه سوار از ایران در بسیاری مکانهای ناشناخته دنیا و مسيرهايي كه ركاب زده بودم هزاران مایل سفر به ناکجا را شروع کردم.
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Shiree Richardson


Joined : April 24th 2014
TB followers 1
Blogs: 15
Comments: 8
Photos: 71

Shiree Richardson

View "12Shiree" Travel Blog

Laurent Mevel


Joined : April 16th 2014
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Blogs: 13
Comments: 3
Photos: 175

Laurent Mevel

View "174diasenamericadelsur" Travel Blog

Lesley Forster


Joined : September 12th 2012
TB followers 1
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Comments: 3
Photos: 2

Lesley Forster

Retired and still travelling! We have waited a long time to travel around Australia, this wide brown land we love to call home. Finally, we sold our home and have set off on our Big Adventure. Lesley, Dave and Skip our Red Dog look forward to lots of fun in the coming months.
View "1parklaneswa" Travel Blog

Vladimir Nabokov


Joined : September 10th 2012
TB followers 1
Blogs: 1
Comments: 3
Photos: 17

Vladimir Nabokov

Last year's trip: Iran, next year's plan: Ilha de Boipeba, Brazil.
View "10G" Travel Blog

Catherine Anne Johnston

108 days

Joined : May 28th 2012
TB followers 1
Blogs: 11
Comments: 6
Photos: 50

Catherine Anne Johnston

Ahhhh, the repetitiveness of the tale; Finding yourself comfortable in life, to only uproot your existence and step out into the world with a well worn backpack and an abundance of misplaced confidence. I’m a 27 year old love child from Australia who has spent more of my 20’s abroad than on home soil. A misguided youth, inquisitive nature and tall tales have been the push and shove to my adventures. Having spent time living in Japan and the UK, travelling South East Asia and main land Europe, travelling is hardly a new venture for me. There was one point in my life that I felt I would ‘stop’, I secured promising employment within a reputable company, enjoyed a rich social life, set goals, though for all of these rites into adulthood, I could not help but look back at my adventures across the sea. Unfamiliar faces, sounds, tastes. This is what life is about, not suits, schedules and bills. Ironically enough I landed in the UK and settled into suits, schedules and bills. I now draw to the end of my visa, which is unceremoniously accompanied with a ‘get out now’ card from the British government. Usually I am ready to move on, explore the next land; however this time I feel rather rejected having to leave. I quite like my life in Europe. The choice to visit other cultures within a 2 hour flight, the diversity of London and the abundance of never ending possibilities has suited my lifestyle rather well; unfortunately for me, as an uneducated, unskilled Australian (in the eyes of the British immigration), my options are limited. Therefore I will return to Australia, taking the long way around. I will travel through middle, central eastern and south eastern Europe, before jumping across to central (ish) Africa and snaking my way south via the west coast. This journey will be broken up into smaller sections; at times I will be backpacking with my next bus trip the only prepared itinerary, I will take advantage of friends – new and old who live across Europe, and join dreaded tour groups. It will travel over 39,000kms over 108 days over to reach my destination on limited funds stretched beyond thinness. During this adventure I will be challenged with new cultures, dealing with a limited personal hygiene routine, yearning for loved ones (all tales have to include a love story, this one is no exception), having no appropriate language skills, trying to accommodate those around me whilst all the time having a kick ass time – and forever doing my best NOT to drop another camera in the water. My name is Catherine, and this is my journey. [lgmap=fiO]
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Michael Fleming and Monique Gignac


Joined : February 28th 2012
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Blogs: 21
Comments: 58
Photos: 409

Michael Fleming and Monique Gignac

One month, one truck, 13000 kilometres. Let the fun begin!
View "13000kilometres" Travel Blog

International Impact: Bulgaria


Joined : February 12th 2012
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Blogs: 1
Comments: 1
Photos: 0

International Impact: Bulgaria

The average Bulgarian young adult doesn't even consider the possibility of a God. Many have never heard the name "Jesus." The greatest need that Bulgaria has is to hear and receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ-- and that's just what we're going to help do. The International Impact Team of 19 North is determined to do BIG things in Bulgaria. Throughout our mission we will be ministering at a local young adult conference, praying for the sick, serving at a local orphanage and nursing home, ministering and serving to young adults in the local college town, ministering to the local gypsies, and evangelizing on the streets. All of that, plus more. And we couldn't possibly be more excited about it. "Sing to the Lord, all the earth! Tell of his salvation from day to day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all peoples!" 1 Chronicles 16:23-24
View "19NorthBulgaria" Travel Blog

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