Blogs from Panglao, Bohol, Philippines, Asia - page 2


Asia » Philippines » Bohol » Panglao June 16th 2013

Wow, it's been ages, you musta been missing us loads! Since Siquijor we have been to Bohol and Camiguin. Bohol (Panglao island) was the wicked place with our own bamboo hut where we had to shower outside and a Gekko poo-ed on our bed...luckily 1 minute after Holly had got up. Panglao was pretty cool, our resort was quiet but a 5min motorbike ride away was beach strip with restaurants and an epic happy hour with rum & coke at a mighty 37p! We managed to get suitably sozzled and filled our tummies with delicious BBQ food at the price of £1.48. Bloody brilliant! We took a tour in a tricycle round the main tourist sites. Frankly we could have chosen a more comfortable method of transport but it made it more Filipino chic. We were ... read more

Asia » Philippines » Bohol » Panglao June 9th 2013

Us again! So we spent 5 days on Siquijor. We had our own chalet which trash rather luxurious! Unfortunately Lazi Beach Club had less of a beach, more of a rocky bit of shoreline. Thankfully the weather was rather windy and not so hot as it has been which we were grateful for, it gave our faces a chance to stop sweating! We didn't do a huge amount on the island although rented a motor bike for a couple of days and visited a butterfly sanctuary and some waterfalls. the butterfly sanctuary was rather quaint but impressive. They have bred 5 species that were on the verge of extinction. The waterfalls were pleasant enough but we're starting to realise that the Filipinos dont look after their natural treasures - there was a lot of litter and ... read more

Asia » Philippines » Bohol » Panglao May 9th 2013

Coming to Bohol mainly for diving, and I have to say Bohol is such a perfect place for diving, so many diving site to choose and the underwater coral walls are so diverse, for a beginner like me, each dive is an adventure. Been busy with divings these five days, now I have completed the AOW course, suddenly feel a bit lost, what's next? I still want to dive more for certain, maybe a rescue course? Diving seems like a drug, can easily get people addicted to it. I am thinking of coming here again and stay for 2 or 3 months, learn diving and maybe work in a diving shop and live several months of simple life, here is just too good to go back to SH's office and sitting in a cubicle and work ... read more

Asia » Philippines » Bohol » Panglao April 13th 2013

From Malapascua I decided to head down to Bohol Island, just east of Cebu Island. In the place I was staying at (Purple Snapper), I had met a French woman, Stephanie, also a dive instructor and she was also going to Bohol, so we decided to go together to share costs. She was good company, had a lot of stories, plus she was an excellent dive buddy to be traveling with. We woke up really early in the morning and went to the beach to get a boat that would take us to Maya (town at the very north of Cebu Island). While we waited in the beach, we were constantly harrased by a pack of stray dogs, which was really annoying. The boat ride takes about 30 minutes and from Maya we had to take ... read more
Sunset in Alona Beach

Asia » Philippines » Bohol » Panglao November 27th 2012

Days 67 – 70 (Mon 12th –Thurs 15thNov) So after 3 days on Bohol island I moved to Panglao island. An off shoot from Bohol and very close to Tagbilaran where the main ferry and only airport on Bohol lies. I moved to Alona Beach on Panglao which is an awesome beach resort. I moved here mainly to take my PADI open water diving course. I’d done a bit of research about the course and where was best to take it in the Philippines and heard here was good for it as they had close and local reefs so that’s the reason I came. My course ran from Monday to Thursday lunch time. I did theory and videos etc on the Monday. I was due to do a confined water session in the pool but my ... read more
Alona Beach
Balicasag Island
Balicasag Island

Asia » Philippines » Bohol » Panglao August 21st 2012

February 12, 2009 Start of our New Adventure Rish and I arrived at the airport around 7:30 am, too early for our 9:45 am flight .We had our “pictorial thing” and window shopping while waiting (I should brought a book with me so that I won’t get bored). We enjoyed our flight; new plane and the flight attendants were accommodating. We arrived at Mactan airport around 10:45 am and went directly to Supercat Ferry pier. We waited for almost two hours for our trip to BOHOL (our scheduled trip is 12:30pm). We arrived at Tagbilaran pier around 2:15 pm and was greeted by Ms. Lilet, our tour guide. She was the one who arranged our Bohol itinerary. We arrived at Dumaluan Beach Resort around 2:45pm. After we checked ... read more

Asia » Philippines » Bohol » Panglao April 12th 2012

Sonntag, 1. April 2012 Beim Aufstehen mussten wir bereits feststellen, dass das Wetter sich wiederum zu unseren Ungunsten verschlechtert hatte. Den geplanten Islandhopping-Trip verschoben wird daher kurzerhand auf einen anderen Tag. Wir lasen am Morgen auf der Veranda und legten uns nach dem Lunch für eine ausgiebige Siesta hin. Als wir gegen halb vier aufwachten, hatten sich die Wolken verzogen und wir konnten doch noch ein paar Sonnenstunden am Strand erhaschen. Wir fotografierten den Sonnenuntergang und die bereits heranziehende nächste Gewitterzelle. Als wir um halb acht Uhr zum vereinbarten Abendessen gehen wollten, mussten wir feststellen, dass die Berichte, welche wir über Dan im Internet gelesen hatten, offenbar nicht übertrieben waren. Er stritt sich lautstark mit zwei weiblichen französischen Gästen und legte dabei ein Verhalten an den Tag, welches für einen Hoteli... read more
Another Nudibranch

Asia » Philippines » Bohol » Panglao November 25th 2011

Today we took a 2 hour ferry to the island of Bohol, and then a tricycle to the island called Panglao. It is connected to Bohol by a bridge. We weren't to impressed with our room when we arrived, but we are located in a far away place so we decided to stick it out for one night. The room was small, the shower had a big hole in it, its located right at the front of the property in like off a garage area.. just wasn't worth the money. On a plus, the room comes with a motorbike so we can travel around the island. We went and checked out a few more hotels but everything is really pricey. We came back and asked if we could switch to a different room tomorrow, and they ... read more

Asia » Philippines » Bohol » Panglao November 22nd 2011

Well it had to happen sooner or later, my first mishap on this trip. The morning I was leaving Siquijor it was low tide so we had to take a very small traditional boat out to the diveboat which was anchored about 70 meters offshore. There was me, another tourist, and a 14 year old boatman, and as we were pulling up to the dive boat somehow we capsized and I went under the water with my daypack on my back which contained my camera, phone, wallet, and a few other things. Thank god that my backpack was already delivered to the dive boat earlier. To their credit the crew of the boat reacted very quickly when I passed my soaked daypack up to them they quickly took the contents out, took the batteries out of ... read more
Chocolate Hills
Balicasag Island
Alona Beach

Asia » Philippines » Bohol » Panglao November 3rd 2011

Bohol is a province in Central Visayas located between Cebu and Leyte and to its south is the island of Mindanao. Because of its location, Bohol is shielded from typhoons and heavy rains. Here is an account of my recent trip to the tenth largest island in the Philippines. To get from Manila to Bohol, we made a stopover first in Cebu. The airfare to Cebu was cheaper than to Tagbilaran when we booked the flight and the additional 745-peso ferry ride made the total fare almost the same. It was a longer route but we wanted to ride the ferry. From Cebu International Airport, we took a taxi to Cebu pier. There were people outside the airport offering a 475-peso-fixed-rate or a 70-peso-flagdown-3.50-per-kilometer taxi to the pier. But there are normal metered taxis just outside ... read more
man-made forest
alona beach
hinagdanan cave

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