Blogs from Panglao, Bohol, Philippines, Asia - page 3


Asia » Philippines » Bohol » Panglao June 11th 2011

Bohol Philippines is one of the most visited places. Having the opportunity to visit Bohol is such a wonderful experience. One of the spots I have visited is the Bohol Beach Club in Panglao. It’s a white sand beach, it offers plenty of walks while exploring the dramatic coastline of the beach. ... read more
The Chocolate Hills in Carmen Bohol
The Floating Restaurant in Loboc River

Asia » Philippines » Bohol » Panglao March 7th 2011

We left Nuts Huts with a boat at 8:30 after having eaten breakfast. We had to wait 20 minutes for two old ladies who were late for the boat and could not get down the stairs. They did not really fit into the jungle surrounding with their nailpolish, make-up and trolley suitcases but at least they were trying to get out there. Rita went on the trip too and seemed a bit tired of the two ladies - understandably. We went to Tagbilaran by jeepney and then we took a tricycle to Alona. We stayed at Bohol Divers Lodge where we payed 600 pesos per night. It was very luxurious for our standard, we had a pool, fan, bathroom with sink and mirror and a shower. There were some termites or whatever crawling on the wall ... read more
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Asia » Philippines » Bohol » Panglao March 7th 2011

I went to the Philippines for the first time in June 2010 and now I'm getting ready for my fourth trip there since that time. I just would like to share some of my opinions about the Philippines. I have been to Bohol,Panglao,Samal,Palawan,Cebu,Luzon, and Mindanao. In all the places I have visted (I liked every one of them) Bohol island was the best I really enjoyed the beaches and the island hopping/snorkeling, also the many attractions on Bohol island as well chocolate hills was an awesome sight. If your going to bohol by supercat or fastcraft when you get to the pier ask the taxi drivers to take you on a day tour of all the sights on Bohol island it cost us around 2k for an exclusive all day tour. So in my opinion if ... read more
linaw beach resort panglao
Toes in the sand

Asia » Philippines » Bohol » Panglao December 14th 2010

As promised, right back at you. The O'Connors are still adjusting to being 1/2 a world away, so the 6 of us were up-and-at-'em at 4:30am to prepare for the 1 hour ride to the Manila Airport for our 9am flight to Tagbilaran. Rogelio arrvied promptly at 6am and we were on our way. Good thing we were nice and early...even checking into a simple domestic flight here takes some time and patience. As previously mentioned, we arrived about 4 hours ago to Amorita Resort. Check out their website: We had a delicious lunch, got to our rooms and in order to deal with the 98* ambient temp, me and the kids all went to the beachside infinity pool for a much needed cool-down. I know now that I must start taking pictures of the ... read more
Terminal at Tagbilaran Airport
Lunch at Saffron Restaurant, Amorita Resort.

Asia » Philippines » Bohol » Panglao December 14th 2010

Just got to a SWEET resort called Amorita in Bohol. Bohol is about an hours flight south of Manila and a short 20-minute van ride. I've been clicking like crazy with my new Canon soon as I figure out how to upload the photos Ill do it. Gimme 30 mins.... read more

Asia » Philippines » Bohol » Panglao September 22nd 2010

Apologies for my previous non descriptive entry. theres so much to take in! The immediate effect is the heat..i dont need many reasons to be able to nap..but this heat plus i suppose end of jet lag is sending me into nap needing all over the place! Im sure its taking its toll on just tierd all the add to this,it gets dark here around 5pm which is quite strange,so come about 7 you feel like its deff bed time! Last night however, we managed to fight the want to sleep after scoffing a 3 course meal for £2.50 and stayed on the beach until the wee hours watching this amazing live band play some classics..radiohead,queen,pearljam etcetc..with perfect accents to go with the songs was geneous! D Drink here is so so cheap ... read more

Asia » Philippines » Bohol » Panglao September 17th 2010

(please forgive my vauge descriptions and lack of photos,internet connetion not so good and getting to grips with uploading. a far superior entry will most definatley follow ASAP) My adventure began in the very dark early hours of wed sept 15th. I met jimi at heathrow after a teary goodbye to mum,winickle and dad. We were hassled by a strange drunk french man (the airport at 4 in the morning is probably one of the surrealist places to be)who called us 'fucking punks' as he staggered around our luggage trolly..we quickly checked in and boarded our plane bound for Doha. Arriving in 40'c heat after a 6 and half hour plane journey is probably not the most graceful of which point i considered wearing a bhurka like the majority of woman there. Although only in ... read more

Asia » Philippines » Bohol » Panglao March 2nd 2010

It's raining today, one of only three days of rain since I arrived on New Years Eve. It's a good day to catch up, but where do I start??? I got bored up in Angeles City and bought a plane ticket and flew to Cebu on the 17th of Feb, about $50.00 round trip out of Manila. Nice clean city compared to Manila. While I was there I met Nathan at the sideline bar. He's an Aussie and we ended up hitting it off. We were having a couple brews one evening and he said he was going to Bohol so I tagged along. We jumped the ferry on the 24th to Tagbilaran, Bohol, P520 then a ride over to Alona Beach, Planglao Island. It's been non stop action since arriving. What a paradise!!!!! absolutly beautiful ... read more
Breakfast Cebu Ferry Terminal
Ferry ride
Ferry Terminal Tagbilaran

Asia » Philippines » Bohol » Panglao February 16th 2010

Our original plan was to go to Bohol for a few days, and hit up at least one more spot before catching our flight to Palawan on the 18th. But somehow we ended up staying for 8 days, and we ran out of time to go anywhere else. Some places are just hard to leave. After flying to Cebu city from Davao, we took a taxi to the ports and booked a ferry to Tagbilaran, the port city of Bohol. The ferry ride started out going pretty fast, but then the sound changed and we slowed down a LOT. It was soon announced that we were operating on only 1 engine. The ride was supposed to take 2 hours, but at this rate it probably would take 2 or 3 times as long. But luckily it ... read more

Asia » Philippines » Bohol » Panglao January 28th 2010

Ben and I were privileged to travel from Cambodia to the Philippines for an incredible week of exploration. We enjoyed unique sites, thrilling jeepney rides, the most gorgeous beaches, super-adorable tarsiers, fabulous diving, stylish resorts, delicious food, and, of course, many warm and joyful new friends! We spent three days in Manila and then flew down to Bohol to spend another four days at the Ananyana Beach Resort on Panglao Island. We traveled with two of my fellow social workers for a retreat, so while Ben dove most days, I spent time with incredible Filipino and Cambodian social workers, sharing stories, skills, and encouragement. We were only supposed to be in Manila for one day, but since we were travleing during rainy season, a massive storm kept us there for three days. We ended up having ... read more
The Dream Come True...
Ananyana Resort Statue

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