Manxie Living the Dream


Manxie Living the Dream !!

Hi, my name is Dan. I'm now 30 and from the Isle of Man. I have now finished my travels as big trip and live in Siem Reap, Cambodia. After a few absent years i plan to write about any new smaller trips i do.

My route was, Hong Kong (6 days) - China (23 days) - South Korea (22 days) - Philippines (42 days) - Thailand (24 days + 7 days) - Laos (13 days) - Vietnam (31 days) - Cambodia (30 days + 6 days + 12 days) - Malaysia (11 days) - Singapore (5 days) - India (29 days) - Indonesia (27 days) - Borneo (10 days )- Australia (10 months).

The trip has now finished unfortunately but it's great to read about my trip and think of all the adventures.

Thanks to anyone who reads these or cares to comment on any blog i produce. Feedback either positive or negative will be much appreciated !!

Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

RTW Trip

I have noticed my map is starting to look like a child has been playing on an etch-a-sketch. Bit messy !!

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Melbourne September 3rd 2013

Today marks 1 year since I left my family and friends and left for the other side of the world. A year ago I was excited to leave and see the world and in the past year I’ve seen a fair bit. I’ve been to 13 countries (if you include HK and Singapore) of which 12 being in Asia and the other being Australia where I currently am, working in a little town in the desert in the middle of nowhere, 7 hours from any major well known city. I spent the first 10 months in Asia, pretty much enjoying everywhere I went except India which I didn’t like at all and will never return too. All the other countries I’ve visited, being HK, China, South Korea, Philippines, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia I ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Sabah » Kota Kinabalu July 18th 2013

Day 292 (Wed 26thJune) Kota Kinabalu I had the pleasure of awaking at 3am, followed by a short walk to the airport. This was straight forward except perhaps for the wild dogs on the loose that bark and follow you most the way, my ear plugs were put it and I ignored them as best I could. I checked in and waited for my flight. I arrived around 9am and had to wait until about 12pm for Vichet to arrive in from Siem Reap. Once she did we checked in for our flight to Kota Kinabalu on the Malaysian part of Borneo. Similar length flight to the morning, around 3 hours and we were there. A quick taxi the 7km into town and we’d arrived. We popped out for some tea but the heavens opened and ... read more
Kota Kinabalu
Kota Kinabalu
Kota Kinabalu

Asia » Indonesia » Bali July 11th 2013

Days 284 – 285 (Tues 18th – Wed 19thJune) Nusa Lembongan I booked my speedboat first thing when I found an ATM that worked, so many of them on such a small island but it seems when one doesn’t work, none of them do. Paid for my speedboat ticket which was to take me to Nusa Lembongan, then in a few days I could use it again to get to my final destination on Bali. I then relaxed in my room, packed slowly as I had clothes scattered everywhere and listened to some music before heading for the boat. The speedboat was a lovely boat, could get about 30 tourists on it and flew across the water first to Gili Air, then Lombok main island before getting to Nusa Lembongan maybe 2 hours later. It was ... read more
Nusa Lembongan
Nusa Lembongan
Nusa Lembongan

Asia » Indonesia » Lombok » Gilli Trawangan June 22nd 2013

Day 279 (Thurs 13thJune) With my flight at 6am and check in from 4am I decided I would stay awake all night and then when I get to wherever I end up I would sleep the day away. I walked around trying to find a plug socket to charge my computer and keep me entertained for the evening. There was nothing in the domestic terminal but I found one in the international. I sat on the floor watching a film and various episodes of the big bang theory as hundreds of, I’d guess Australians came through the terminal, all with blonde hair, tans and surfboards. At around midnight I headed back to the domestic terminal and sat in the closed KFC dining area and continued my films and tv night. At 4am I headed for check ... read more
Gili Trawangan, Lombok, Indonesia
Gili Trawangan, Lombok, Indonesia
Gili Trawangan, Lombok, Indonesia

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Mount Bromo June 21st 2013

Day 274 (Sat 8thJune) My minibus arrived at 9am and we headed away from Yogyakarta. There were I think 12 of us travelling on to Cewaro Lewang, a small town in the hills near Mount Bromo. The guide said this would be a 10 hour trip, so that being assumed we’d be there at 5pm. Luckily we had a large minibus and there was plenty of space although it doesn’t matter how much space there is, your ass still gets sore after constant sitting down and driving over speed bumps and potholes, off which Indonesia has plenty it seems, especially on some of the back roads we took. This method of getting there is awkward, one because you actually go sort of past where you need to go in the first place to turn back on ... read more
Mount Bromo
Mount Bromo
Mount Bromo

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Yogyakarta June 21st 2013

Day 271 (Wed 5thJune) Another early start, which is not a favourite of mine, to head to the train station to move from Bandung to Yogyakarta. The trip took 8 hours although the train was pretty comfortable. I am suffering a trapped nerve though today which seems to have happened in my neck overnight. Considering I was on the left of the train it made looking out the window pretty tricky. Through a mixture of Ibuprofen and Tiger Balm I was able to see, which was good because the view is fantastic. The trains don’t go through tunnels here for the hills, instead going around them giving great views of the valleys and other hills which is lost going through a tunnel. I arrived in Yogyakarta around 3pm and wandered until I found somewhere to stay ... read more
Mount Merapi
Mount Merapi
Mount Merapi

Asia » Indonesia » Java » Bandung June 21st 2013

Day 266 (Fri 31stMay) Jakarta So I awoke at around 10am after about 7 hours sleep in possibly the comfiest bed I’ve had yet. It was so soft it was lush. I had a look at the map and online to figure out what to do. I read a lot about Jakarta being a love/hate city and a lot of people say to get out soon as you can. I am in no rush anywhere so figured I’d at least spend a day and decide on a plan after that. After breakfast of toast and fruit I headed towards the National Monument and the Istiqlal Mosque which are pretty much next to each other. It took around 30 mins to get there from my hostel and I first checked out the mosque. I wandered around and ... read more
Istiqlal Mosque Jakarta
National Monument, Jakarta
National Monument, Jakarta

Asia » Cambodia » North » Siem Reap June 5th 2013

Days 248 – 250 (Mon 13th – Wed 15thMay) Bangkok My taxi arrived prompt at 2am, I was slightly flagging by this stage though wishing I’d had that nap I was considering. I was glad the roads were quiet as the driver went berserk. There was no holding him back, weaving in and out of what traffic there was and flying through intersections. The last few miles approach to the airport reminded me of a track on Gran Turismo 3 from the old playstation 2 game. It was class although not sure the driver had the skills for it. I got there in one piece anyways and as per India, he stood with his hand out asking for a tip. I declined and headed inside. I struggled to stay awake after checking in, in the departure ... read more
Golden Mount, Bangkok
Golden Mount, Bangkok
Golden Mount, Bangkok

Asia » India » Uttar Pradesh » Agra May 23rd 2013

Day 246 (Sat 11thMay) Today was probably the day I’ve most been looking forward to from a tourist perspective. I was going on a day trip to the city of Agra, home of the incredibly famous and 1 of the 7 manmade wonders of the world, the Taj Mahal. My day started with another early morning send off. My train was due at 6am and Amy was due to fly out a few hours later so I said my goodbyes and headed off to the station to get my train. The station is only 5 minutes from my hostel at this time of morning, takes about 15-20 during the day as it’s so busy. It’s weird seeing the streets deserted, the rubbish is everywhere and the smell horrendous. There is an area down a little side ... read more
Taj Mahal, Agra
Taj Mahal, Agra
Taj Mahal, Agra

Asia » India » Maharashtra » Mumbai May 13th 2013

Days 238 – 242 (Sat 4th - Tues 7thMay) Mumbai So the day had come for my Dad to head back home to the Isle of Man. He left around 10am to go catch his flight. I’d like to think he had a good time here, I know he enjoyed the cricket but I am pretty sure he hated India. He definitely won’t be here again but neither will I. Was tempted to go get on a flight myself but I still have 9 days in the country. I have a couple friends to meet in Delhi next week plus the Taj Mahal to see otherwise I’d have gone to the airport and gone back to South East Asia myself. I moved accommodations to a sort of hostel. I was in the dorm room at the ... read more

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