Blogs from Yangon, Yangon Region, Burma, Asia


Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon August 4th 2022

Love Exploring had this to say about the most dangerous city in the world for tourists. The capital of Myanmar reached crisis point in February 2021, when a coup took place, and the Myanmar military declared a state of emergency and assumed control. It's not surprising then that this year, the city is ranked as the world’s most dangerous, scoring just 39.5 out of a possible 100 points. Prevalence of violent crime is to blame, with clashes expected to continue as protests and demonstrations against military rule occur. The US Department of State and UK Foreign Office have advised against all travel to the city after UK and US citizens were ordered to leave earlier in 2021. Before the civil unrest, Myanmar had started to make huge improvements to its political situation after new government reforms ... read more
A lunch break on Inle
Rangoon Chinatown evening

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon January 1st 2022

From Economic Intelligence: What goes into an evaluation of whether or not a city is safe? Crime? Personal liberty? Dangerously dirty air? Bad weather brought on by climate change? The Economist Intelligence Unit released its biennial url= Cities Index, which attempts to answer the question. According to the index, the world's most dangerous city is Yangon, the largest city in Myanmar.Fo... read more
Enjoying beer and food in Chinatown Yangon
Mr. Mike with our guide in Yangon

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon February 14th 2021

Last week's events in Myanmar are deeply disturbing. It leads me to question my visit there a few years ago with Mr. Mike. We had a great experience, met some interesting people, and thought we were helping locals become employed in the tourist infrastructure. But now, I wonder if our visit did anything but help the ruling junta?Here is some information from the Washington Post: The leader of the democracy, Aung San Suu Kyi, has made headlines, after winning a Nobel prize, held under house arrest, then leading the agonizingly slow move to a more democratic government. The latest, rather disturbing news, is that she has let the military junta have their way with ethnic minorities. Many were either killed or forced to flee to Bangladesh, of all places. You can google her, ... read more
Famous Shwedagon
Silly Moustache Brothers
One legged rowers at Inle

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon February 12th 2021

Take a look at the clever map. These are the souvenirs the travel experts suggest buying when visiting. On my dozen or so trips to Asia, I tend to buy fewer items on each visit. My only vice remains refrigerator magnets. I probably have several hundred now, and nowhere to display them! If you have a fairly new refrigerator, you know the exterior have very little or no magnetic surface! Oh, and lots of T shirts, but who knows where they are?Anyway, here is what I have purchased, despite their suggestions.Japan My best purchase ever in Japan was in Kyoto. I bought the world's best tofu. Of course, I had to eat it there. You may recall my email about finding the world's best. It was delicious!Thailand ... read more
Penang, Malaysia
Chatuchak Market, Bangkok
Hanoi flower lady

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon January 23rd 2020

It's been little over 4 months for me in mordern day Yangon and to my knowledge I found out that 35-40% of the total population of the city are either Indian or Indian Origin and living in Myanmar for a long time and had become a local people only but there root are still connected to some part of India. Most of the Indian's know our country's history and struggle and sacrifice by the different freedom fighter's to get the freedom of our country from the Rule of the British. One of the most significant freedom fighter was Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose and we all know his history and his contribution towards the Indian Freedom movement. It was from Rangoon in the year 1944 he gave the famous word's "Give me your blood and I shall ... read more

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon December 10th 2018

Stephen fortunately woke up feeling a little better today. We enjoyed our standard breakfast for this lodge - tea, toast, fried eggs and fruit (watermelon today). The women serving are so kind but make us chuckle - the number of slices of toast you get is random, the order of service is random and I’m sure we’re supposed to get juice as well but today we didn’t (everyone else did!). Check out is late so after packing our bags we went for a walk. First of all we went to the central Secretariat building and walked around the outside. It’s currently being renovated and the outside looks fantastic. It’s only on closer inspection you notice that parts of the roof are missing and there are trees growing inside some of the rooms! From here we walked ... read more
Central Secretariat
St Marys Cathedral
St Marys Cathedral

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon December 9th 2018

Stephen is unfortunately suffering from a tummy bug today. This is definitely a down side to travelling and I’m looking forward to both of us feeling well again at the same time. Delaying leaving our room until he was sure he was up to it had the unfortunate consequence of leaving as the day reached its hottest. On the plus side today is a glorious sunny day, unlike the previous cloudy days we’ve had. Despite being their winter it’s still so hot for us - well over 30 degrees. Leaving our guesthouse we got a taxi to Chaukhatgyi Paya, a large, golden reclining Buddha. I was rather surprised that 2 taxi drivers didn’t know where we were talking about but fortunately the 2nd had google maps and got us there without problem. Typically for us the ... read more
The sitting Buddha
Shwedagon Paya
The reclining Buddha

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon December 8th 2018

We travelled to Yangon from Kolkata yesterday. It was an easy flight and customs was really quick (much faster than expected after what I’d read). We managed to exchange our Indian rupees, use he atm and then find a pre-paid taxi (just outside the airport exit and much cheaper than what we had been offered by people inside the terminal). The traffic is bad and we arrived at our hotel quite late in the afternoon. Yangon is much hotter than we had anticipated and we were relieved to have air con. We had a brief wander around the area our hotel is in and then went to a restaurant/bar recommended by our taxi driver for dinner after which we got an early night. Today we decided to follow the Lonely Planets ‘walking tour’ of Yangon. Trying ... read more
High court building
Auditor Generals Building
Mahabandoola Garden

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon August 8th 2018

RANGOON IN THE RAIN I loved my hotel in Rangoon, The Great Feel Hotel. I shared my photos with Mo Mo (pronounced with long o’s – it means rain) the young lady at the desk. She introduced me to Ko To, her boyfriend. The door to my room on the third floor is carved wood. There is no elevator. I made seven or eight trips a day up and down those stairs. The room has a very attractive walnut bedroom set with a cute vanity and mirror. The bathroom is spacious and I loved to soak in the deep bathtub which I filled to the brim. It was such a luxury. I sent my clothes to the laundry and I took a teapot to my room after meals. I enjoyed pampering myself. When I asked about ... read more

Asia » Burma » Yangon Region » Yangon August 7th 2018

RANGOON 2 I knew I wanted to go to an entertainment featuring Burmese dancers, and I wanted to ride the oldest train in Rangoon. I also needed to buy a fast charger for my cell phone and a SB port for my computer. I managed to do all these things in one day. As it turned out, the highlight of the day was visiting the electronic street in the city. People often ask me if I am ever frightened when I am out there in foreign lands on my own. I answer them by saying I am usually too busy trying to figure out what to do next to feel fear. However, on this trip I took a taxi to the Yangon Circular train. This one hundred fifty year old city train takes about three hours ... read more

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