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Burma Uprising - is there anything we can do to help.

After 40 years of repression the people of Burma are rising up against the military junta that runs the country.
16 years ago, September 27th 2007 No: 1 Msg: #20135  
B Posts: 5,200
Here are some links to petitions that I've been sent;

Petition To UK Government


Please add if you know of something that can be done.

These petitions are to the UN, and governments of countries that have some influence on Burma.


I think the only real thing we can do is start a campaign to Boycott the Olympic Games in Bejing if China continues to block UN action on Burma. Then keep in mind that China is not a democracy and brutally killed many of it's own people in Tiananman Square in 1989 - only one year after the Myanmar government did the same.

The difference this time is that - due to the wonders of the internet we can see what is happening.
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16 years ago, September 27th 2007 No: 2 Msg: #20152  
N Posts: 3
Is it possible to make Burma and Burma related travel blogs the front page of this website for a few days? Btw keep up the good work.

take care and goodluck !

batata Reply to this

16 years ago, September 28th 2007 No: 3 Msg: #20176  
B Posts: 5,200
Well - the Blogs from Burma that we have are not current - they show Burma from a travellers point of view - mostly from a few months ago. They don't reflect the current situation - if anything up to date comes in then I'll get it on to the front page.

Currently the Burmese government is cracking down on the protests - with force against unarmed civilians - it could get a whole lot worse. Reply to this

16 years ago, September 28th 2007 No: 4 Msg: #20187  

16 years ago, September 28th 2007 No: 5 Msg: #20202  
If your on facebook join this group http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=24957770200, i was planning to visit Burma on my big trip, although my girlfriend does not want me to go, Im in two minds as alot of people have said the Burmese people could do with the money i would spend there and also by going on can pass on a message to others i meet of what it is like and possibly then enough people from democratic countries pass the word on then governments may act and the junta may eventually be removed?..........so not sure if id be helping or hindering?

Thx Mike Reply to this

16 years ago, October 3rd 2007 No: 6 Msg: #20385  
George Monbiot's take ... with the names of a few other people to put pressure on ...


I'm all for boycotting the Chinese Olympics but I'd suggest we also boycott 2012 and the next ones in the US also. Pot? Kettle? Black? Me?

Meanwhile, sign those petitions in Ali's post. Reply to this

16 years ago, October 4th 2007 No: 7 Msg: #20444  
Ali,i hardly think writing these on travel blog or anyother platform on net will help situation in any way.I am not making a mean sentence but its logical from my personal view that what could few thousand vistors do on net.They arent there practically to help out the situation.So it doesnt really affect any person,govt,etc. Reply to this

16 years ago, October 4th 2007 No: 8 Msg: #20453  
B Posts: 5,200
Sagar - Yes - I'm also a realist - these petitions, links and visits to websites will not change the situation in Burma.

But raising awareness of the situation - and more importantly the hypocritical governments that issue strong statements against the Myanmar junta but then allow companies based in their countries to sell arms, export gas and oil - and continue to do business - is a good thing. So to that effect...

These countries and companies include:

Oil: the USA (Chevron), France (Total)

Daily Mail

Arms: Serbia. Ukraine, Russia, China, India

Amnesty International

And reports of South Korea - Burma Net

I'm sure there are many more... but where are the declarations from politicians stating that Total or Chevron will not be allowed to operate? Refusing deals with China and India while their companies supply arms.

It's a complicated issue - complicated by the fact that the world is full of hypocrites and those that get into positions of power seem to be the worst offenders.
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16 years ago, October 7th 2007 No: 9 Msg: #20565  
Hello Ali 😊

I am really happy to see a travel site which takes an interest in this issue.

I think what we can do is not visit Burma(that is if we are ever allowed to have visas again), in support to the National Democratic League.
Afterall Aung San Suu Kyi asked tourists to boycott the country.


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16 years ago, October 15th 2007 No: 10 Msg: #20929  
N Posts: 8
I am really happy that the world care about Burma now. It is a bit too late but better than never. Alot of you guys are lucky not born in iron grip governed countries as i was. I hope Burma will be free and truely democracy . Reply to this

16 years ago, October 16th 2007 No: 11 Msg: #21002  
Yes, it will be a democracy.
I hope and believe it will. 😊
Other countries gained freedom from dictatorship governments. Burma can too. There is every hope.
I travelled behind the iron curtain in Europe in 1989, while those countries were still under the thumb of dictators. Shortly after I was there, those countries overthrew their governments and became democracies. Sometimes I go back there, to see how things have changed.
We must keep pressuring the Burmese government in every peaceful way we can.

Mel Reply to this

16 years ago, October 17th 2007 No: 12 Msg: #21064  
Hi.... Thanx for getting this topic out there...I have just come back from 6 months in northern thailand.... I to have hope and believe that the people can and will come out on top of this upriseing.... If the people in burma can rise as they have knowing full well the consiquences of their actions the lest we can do is belive in them. Being from the west i can only imagin what it feels like to be in their shoes. After seeing first hand the poverity in the border towns in burma, as well as holding conversations with extrealy articulate people who have never been able to leave their country, i belive it is so important to be holding these sorts of conversations. I'm sure they would be happy to know that there cause is going global................... Reply to this

16 years ago, October 18th 2007 No: 13 Msg: #21091  
B Posts: 11.5K
For anyone interested there's a Facebook group 'Support the Monks' protest in Burma' Reply to this

16 years ago, October 19th 2007 No: 14 Msg: #21172  
Hello Jo 😊

I think that might actually be my friends facebook.
He set up one, with that name. I am a member.

There is a conversation we are having on another site, about if tourists should or should not go to Burma.
Here is the link. I am not sure if it will be deleted by the moderators. If it is then anybody who is interested can send me a private message and I will send u the link. U dont have to become a member of the site to read the thread.


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16 years ago, October 20th 2007 No: 15 Msg: #21204  
B Posts: 5,200
We had one here about a year back; Ethical Tourism - Burma was an example in the discussion over and over, I've changed my point of view now - to travel to Burma now would be crass;

I don't know if there is a length of time that should pass before it would be, while the current junta remain in power without significant change - I don't think there can be. Reply to this

16 years ago, October 29th 2007 No: 16 Msg: #21675  
I am thinking the same as Ali.
Not only that but I am so annoyed that China refuses to cooperate with the sanctions that I dont want to go there either.
I think the Junta will eventually have to go. After a while it wont be worthwhile for them to stay with all the negative attention they are getting from other countries, the UN constantly hovering and questioning and the sanctions being placed on them. It would happen sooner if China would help, but I suppose one can not really expect their support, since they are no respecters of human rights themselves.
As soon as the Junta go, I will visit Burma. It will be fascinating to witness the birth of democracy and see what the people are like at this point in the countries history. It would be really cool if backpackers flooded into Burma and spent their money there, when the Junta go as a way to help the new democracy take off.

Mel Reply to this

16 years ago, November 21st 2007 No: 17 Msg: #22898  
N Posts: 3
Ali, Mell and all,
thank you for concern for our people.
Mell, since you have discuss a lot in "Should or should not go to Burma" I have nothing much to say. Me, I do not support boycott.
Every one , including me in Myanmar want democracy and want to see Junta go away. However, if tourist does not come, only people will suffer. Anyway as mention, you have a lot of argue in 'should or should not go to Burma". So I will not argue about it.
You have mention "As soon as the Junta go, You will visit Burma." I wish it will happen in peaceful way and not like Iraq. Bush and all the media make us think that , once Saddam Husain is gone , Iraq will be in state of democracy . I think Bush also say the same words with what you said " It will be fascinating to witness the birth of democracy " when Saddam status was fall . But now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there may have democracy but everyday people , woman and children die by car bomb or shoot by troop under the name of ' attacking to terrorist base.' "Restoring law and order".

Who can guarantee that Daw Aung Sun Su Kyi can control Myanmar without Junta? Junta have make a peace with 16 groups out of 17 and Myanmar have 135 ethnic group. We have already experience with such conflict just after the independence from British and country have been battle field already.As we mention earlier , we do not want Junta but at the other hand we need them too not for long may be some time.
We want peaceful, engage, dialogs and change slowly. Not just over turn or boycott.
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16 years ago, November 21st 2007 No: 18 Msg: #22929  
Mgzaymin the road to democracy is not always smooth judging from what I have read about the history of other countries who got it.
When democracy is established things dont necessarily immediately run smoothly. But I think it is not possible for it to be worse for the people of Burma than it is right now. The Junta is keeping order beween the tribes but at what price.
Is there reason to believe that the different ethnic groups will war against each other if the Junta goes? Do they have a history of it? The different groups in Iraq and Afghanistan have a long history of conflict between them. This might not necessarily happen in Burma.
Please would u give your opinion Mgzaymin.
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16 years ago, November 23rd 2007 No: 19 Msg: #22985  
N Posts: 3
Dear Mell,
I am totally agree with the road to democracy is not always smooth. That is the reason that we do not want boycott or sanctions in the first place.

For my opinion, boycott or sanction make country become more poor , then people will more hunger ,from hunger to anger on present government, and then come out to the street for protest and hope to topple the government. That is what most of the opposition want. All they want is to throw Junta first. Why can't they work with Junta and bring the democracy step by step .I prefer the way of China where democracy is not there yet but living standard is rise and I'm sure, they will get more democracy very very slowly but surely.

ASEAN country did not agree with sanctions but EU and American alliance push forward for sanctions in the ground of human right issue and etc. etc. but why not Saudi Arabia too ????????? Even England wellcome the King of Saudi with full of human right abuse record .

Come to the question of yours "Is there reason to believe that the different ethnic groups will war against each other if the Junta goes?" there may not be each other , but they will start to ask for independence state from Government and then become like SSR with become so many countries and states today, Russia, Bosnia,Estonia ,Latvia, ,Georgia ,Slovakia ... Most of the main group, Kachin, Karin, Shan, Rakhine, Mon had been asking for independence state since Burma gain independence from British in1948 and rise in rebellion since.

"The different groups in Iraq and Afghanistan have a long history of conflict between them." When Bush want to kill Saddam , Did he ever mention about ???? " He try the world to believe that Saddam have "WMD" and after Saddam, Iraq will be full of prosper and democracy. At this moment , after the years, all he can say is " Oh! My intelligence have wrong report, No WMD was found." Now EU and American try again that if JUNTA go, there will be birth of Democracy. Well, there may be but at what price?

"This might not necessarily happen in Burma."
Everyone only want to think about the good things in future and try not to think of worse thing. I'm aware of if we afraid of worse thing, then noting can come out from present situation too.

My opinion " No boycott, No Sanctions" , fill the stomach of people first and then Democracy.

My question "" Fill the stomach first or Democracy First?? ""
Example.. Look at the Singapore ,everyone said that they do not have full democracy but the government can fill the people stomach .
I would like to hear from you all.

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16 years ago, November 23rd 2007 No: 20 Msg: #22996  
Thanks for those comments Mgzaymin. 😊
I am eager to learn more about everything so I can understand more about how orginary people in the West can help Burma.

Does it really matter if Burma is divided into different countries?

I was in Estonia this year. Their democracy is progressing very well. Things did not immediately go smoothly. Their society is not perfect and neither is that of other democratic countries . The good thing about democracy is while things are not perfect we all have the freedom and safety to try to get what we want and as our societies progress the needs of different groups are taken into account more and more.
While Estonia was part of the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany people there were hungry, poor and had a very low standard of human rights. I just read some autobiographies by Estonian women who lived in Estonia during the occupations which I bought in a museum in Estonia. What they say about those times is shocking.
These days Estonia doing so well that some ordinary Estonians and not just the elite are starting to be able to afford to travel around the world.
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