Blogs from Serengeti National Park, North, Tanzania, Africa - page 2


Africa » Tanzania » North » Serengeti National Park October 17th 2019

After successfully not getting eaten our first night we had to be up bright and early for another must-do on this adventure: Serengeti Balloon Ride...oh yeah, vowed if/when I ever got here that I would not miss doing this, so at the tender hour of 5am we woke up and with some trepidation made our way in the dark to the toilets, scanning the surroundings for beady eyes scoping us out...none to speak of fortunately...did however get to see this amazing storm way off in the distance, the flashes of lightning in the clouds were spectacular... It was just the two of us and a new amigo Michael from our group that would be doing the balloon ride, and sure enough at the appointed hour we could see the headlights of a jeep approaching to pick ... read more
Just itching for a belly rub...
Balloon Selfie...
Elephant checking us out...

Africa » Tanzania » North » Serengeti National Park October 15th 2019

After a great week in Kenya it was time for the next chapter in the adventure: Tanzania...three weeks here, jam-packed with safaris, Kili climb and some R&R on Zanzibar, but we'll start with the safaris... Made our way overland from Nairobi to Arusha, a healthy day on the road but decent enough...border crossing was relatively quick and painless (our guide Moses knew what to do, where to line up etc.) and by late afternoon we had made it to our hotel for the evening...6pm get-together to meet the new folks joining us and go over the game plan for the week, followed by dinner and some pints, nothing too exciting as we were leaving town the following morning... The next day we did a quick stop for supplies and then a 90 minute drive or so ... read more
Hanging with an elemephant

Africa » Tanzania » North » Serengeti National Park December 20th 2018

"Live as if you were going to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were going to live forever." Mahatma Ghandi Africa. If I were to assign one word to describe this continent, it would be “dangerous”. Hostile deserts, rain forests, animals, and peoples are just a few things that come to mind. But to counterbalance that there is also incredible beauty and awe to be found in its diverse landscape, peoples, and animals. Our 9 day visit to the Masai Mara and Serengeti game reserves was a dream come true for this “learning junkie”, showing us just a scratch on the surface of the abundance of both the danger and the beauty to be found in Kenya and Tanzania. I’m pretty sure that Ghandi would have smiled on this use of our time on earth. We ... read more
Croc taking down a zebra foal
It's mine!

Africa » Tanzania » North » Serengeti National Park September 19th 2018

This blog entry covers our days in both the Serengeti National Park and the Ngorongoro Crater conservation area. We have 2 full days in the Serengeti and a morning game drive in Ngorongoro. It’s unfair to try to compare the two different parks as both are excellent and quite different from each other, so really it's the combination of the 3 areas (these 2 plus Tarangire) that makes a very good short safari. As with any wildlife activity there is a huge amount of luck as to what you actually see on any given day, but a good guide certainly helps and Pablo our guide and driver is a wise old bird who knows the country well and seems to be able to find almost anything on demand. The Serengeti is a huge area of grassland ... read more
Colourful lizard
Well hidden Cheetah

Africa » Tanzania » North » Serengeti National Park September 17th 2018

Tanzania day 8 Serengeti morning safari, invading elephants and a view of Ngorongoro from our tent. Up at 5:15, yay! Still dark and there are still sounds of zebra and hyena. When we went to the toilets just before sleep last night my head torch refelected in a pair of eyes that were at about the right height of a hyena. When we vacate the hut we eat in we have to shut the door to keep the hyenas out. We haven’t seen hyena in the Serengeti. Edyta really wants to see hyenas. First none-catfood thing we see as dawn breaks across the Serengeti, yep hyena. Two of them bounding around. Great start. We got up early as this is when the predators may still be hunting but Bori headed off to a place where there ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Serengeti National Park September 15th 2018

Waking up in the Serengeti is an amazing experience (unless it was unintentional) and lying in my tent I could hear various birds and animals making a variety of sounds. They were accompanied by the sounds of the rangers and cooks who talk endlessly, I'd love to know what about! In the distance a large herd of zebra were grazing and I'm sure I heard baboons. During the night we were surrounded by the grunting of buffalo grazing around the tents, plus the yowls of nearby hyena. It's still more peaceful than living in Stoke on Trent! At 6.20am it was extremely bright out despite the sun not having risen yet, so we could easily avoid all the buffalo dung when walking to the toilets. We met Molisi there and I proudly bragged how I managed ... read more
hubby in our tent at Serengeti

Africa » Tanzania » North » Serengeti National Park September 15th 2018

Tanzania day 7 Safari so goody in the Serengeti, Tanzania, Africa Have you ever had one of those dreams where you’re camping in the middle of the Serengeti and there are loads of strange animal noises outside your tent. And it’s 4am and you need a wee. And the toilets are quite a walk away and you’ve been told not to go on your own. And then there’s a lion in the toilets. And then Prince Harry turns up at breakfast. ??? No? Well up until the last two parts, that was actually true last night and the last two bits were probably brought on by the stress and pain of needing a wee in this situation. When I finally got to go it was amazing. And then you look round and there’s a herd of ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Serengeti National Park September 14th 2018

Tanzania day 6 Sunrise to sunset, threatened by Maasai and big cats in the Serengeti, Tanzania, Africa To the Serengeti today....eventually! Come on guys, get a move on! The sunrise was meh again-see yesterday’s blog-and breakfast was due at 7:30. We met two new companions Mark and Uri (I think) who are from Hungary and tried and tried to upload previous blogs but to not much avail. Homestly, it’s like being on Vodafone it’s that bad! We were told we would be leaving at 9am which is really late for a start but we didn’t get on our way until 9:30. The best time for game viewing means getting there before sunrise as the big cats are still active. Setting off an a really long journey at 9:30 is frustrating as you just want to be ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Serengeti National Park August 24th 2018

Up very early for an early game drive. We are second to breakfast, yes, up earlier than most..... In the truck and away at 0701, not our fault for the “late” start this time. The rough drive starts slowly as there are animals all along the road out this morning. New ones we hadn’t seen closely before. Topi, Heatebeest and Impala (yes to those paying attention we have seen lots of Impala, but not here in Serengeti). The topi are from the antelope family, but have a back like a wilderbeast and have blue jean marks on the side of their flanks. The heartebeest have a 2 tone skin that makes them look like the old EH Holden with the 2 tone paint work. We drive on the rough road for a while, slowly while picking ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Serengeti National Park August 23rd 2018

Today we get a sleep in of sorts as we don’t leave until 0800 for the Serengeti. Back up the road we covered yesterday to the Ngorongoro crater, but then past the turn off and onwards for quite a few kms. The morning is overcast and as we get to the gate it starts to drizzle rain, or is that just the fog.... Up we go again. Hard to see where we are going but Masha has it under control, that is until he swerves and a few of us see why. A bloody BIG elephant crashes through the bush and almost comes onto the road as we pass. I get a great view of him waving his trunk, ears and head by the side of the bushes and road. Way too close for comfort, and ... read more

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