Blogs from Serengeti National Park, North, Tanzania, Africa - page 5


Africa » Tanzania » North » Serengeti National Park June 18th 2014

Nach einer spannenden Nacht in einer sehr schönen Lodge mit unglaublich netten Personal, begeben wir uns zum Frühstück. Der Koch, den wir am Vortag gebeten hatten und Ugali zu machen, bekocht uns mit dieser Spezialität und wir kosten zum ersten Mal das Nationalgericht. Schmeckt nicht schlecht - gut aber nun auch nicht unbedingt. An diesem Tag geht es mit gesundheitlich nicht so gut. Meine Nasennebenhöhlenentzündung und das ständige "keine Ruhe geben" macht sich verstärkt bemerkbar. Trotzdem beginnt ein wunderschöner Tag. Wir fahren erst um 9 Uhr weg, da wir heute alle länger gebraucht haben. Wir sehen viele Geier, Adler, Strauße, Zebras, Dikdiks und Gnus. Wir kommen zu einer Stelle, die an eine Savanne grenzt und nur von vereinzelten Bäumen umgeben ist. Die optimale Umgebung für Leopa... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Serengeti National Park May 15th 2014

Wild Kingdom Overload Syndrome. Is there such a thing? Because I think I've got it. Having spent the last few weeks in Rwanda and Uganda, getting soaked by rain while viewing animals, it was nice to dry out on the vast plains of Africa. We Mario Andretti’d it down the dust filled roads while droves of impala attempt to become safari-jeep hood ornaments. At the helm, Samson, our local guide, hired to escort us around and track animals. The Serengeti park entrance sign hangs oddly eschew as tumbleweeds bounce by, much to my delight. I don’t know about you, but when I decided to go on safari i was sure I’d see a few animals, I had no idea it would be ALL the animals. I am also amongst my beloved Australians and the Canadian, but ... read more
Endless Savannah
Death by Campsite
Welcome to the Serengeti

Africa » Tanzania » North » Serengeti National Park September 26th 2013

Left Kuria Hills camp in early am On wednesday.Tried to send pictures from yesterday but web site was down for the time I had available. Will send more pics tomorrow. Saw more lions on the way out. Went to the rive r and watched the herd mass for 2 hours and the finally we saw the crossing of wildebeest by the thousands. Truly an amazing wonder of the world. Nearly 6 hour drive with stops for elephants giraffes and lions. Drove through the middle of herds of wildebeest, zebras, gazelles, impalas, etc. 4 wheeling on dirt road the whole way at speeds up to 100 km/ hr! The driving is probably more risk than the animals.Tonite we are in a true tent camp called Kati Kati in the central Serengeti. Saw 4 lions crossing the road ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Serengeti National Park June 25th 2013

Day 8 After the excitement of a leopard the night before, we were keen to set off and see if our luck was going to hold out. We set off from the lodge at 8am for a morning game drive armed with our picnic lunch. We immediately saw monkeys, and the "usual", which sounds terrible, but the zebra, impala, warthogs, giraffes and gazelles are everywhere, so you stop getting as excited about them. We did stop when they were particularly close to the road if we thought we could get a good photo. Our guide was very accommodating and didn't mind stopping the jeep whenever we asked him to. We also saw a couple of antelopes we hadn't seen before from the same family as topi's and wildebeest - a reedbuck and a hartebeest, darker and ... read more
Young male Lion
Young male sat by the side of the road
Lioness has a little sleep whilst big brother keeps watch

Africa » Tanzania » North » Serengeti National Park June 24th 2013

Day 7 We had an 8am start out into the park, and as we were waiting to get into the jeep, one of the couples told us that they had seen 7 lions about 20m from their room after we had all retired to bed the night before! Perhaps the security escort was justified after all! Our guide loaded up the picnic lunches into the front of the jeep that had been provided by the hotel, and we hoped they were better than the pepper sandwiches we had had in India's packed lunches. We saw lots of impala grazing in amongst areas of burned grass. Sylvester explained that the Masai burn areas to rejuventate growth when the short rains come to encourage animals to come back to the area to graze. We also saw several warthogs ... read more
Cheetah - somewhere
Lioness contemplating some lunch
Lion on the move

Africa » Tanzania » North » Serengeti National Park March 22nd 2013

Geo: -2.4492, 34.5932I am touched by this beautiful world and our exploration of it this past 7 months. As our friend expressed in one of our blogs, the universe is treating us with kindness.We had reports of other people who went on safari and whose experience was marred by the behaviour of one of their group members and/or the group dynamics. We were so lucky with our safari-mates: Jim, myself, Jackie and Irina - a compatible group who collectively valued sustained time observing and photographing wildlife and scenery.Day 1Those first glimpses of wildlife are indescribable! From the odd looking lizard-like ‘Go-Away' bird to that first sighting of the majestic lion, it just got better and better. We travelled from Arusha to Tanangire National Park, staying in a campground surrounded by a cement wall to keep the ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Serengeti National Park October 14th 2012

It is never a nice feeling to be left out, however when you join a group that has already bonded for a week it is only natural that there is a certain degree of territorial friendship. To overcompensate for not caring – which in fact I did very much – I aggressively behaved with an air of superiority, confidence and wit. Some may think that getting to know the individuals to be accepted by the group would have been a more successful method; this however never crossed my mind. It is safe to say that in this process I stepped on a few toes, anyone I found weak I looked down on, confident I raised eyebrows at and everyone else I simply out spoke. Fortunately I was not the sole addition and I was able to ... read more
Our team.

Africa » Tanzania » North » Serengeti National Park October 3rd 2012

Frokosten ble inntatt med sebra og elefant som tilskuere (iallefall nesten), mens vi spiste hørte vi tre som knekte og lyder bare en elefant kan lage. Litt etterpå sto elefanten fornøyd å spiste av treet sitt. Det var ikke mange minuttene etter vi satt oss i safaribilen at fire løver rundt en død sebra å nød dagens første måltid. Et spesielt skue, samtidig vet vi at slik er dyreverden. Fra hotellet til selve safariområdet i serengeti er det nesten to timer å kjøre, men dagen har på langt nær vært kjedelig. I dag har vi sett mer dyr enn noen av de andre dagene, helt tilfeldig kom vi over en leopard. Først lå han i treet sitt å slappet av, men ganske så plutselig var han på bakken. Dette er svært sjelden det skjer, iallefall slik ... read more
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5

Africa » Tanzania » North » Serengeti National Park October 2nd 2012

JAMBO! Vi er allerde på dag to på vår safari i Tanzania, vi har til nå sett sebra, løve, gnu, gaseller, giraffer, elefanter, leopard og flodhest. Spennende og fullspekkede dager. Lite visste vi i går etter en reise på totalt 25 timer at vi skulle rett på safari i mange timer i Manyara Lakes. Det ble en veldig spennende affære og dagen fikk langt større innhold enn først antatt. Flyturen med Qatar (som forøvrig er kåret til verdens beste flyselskap) var overveldende bra, med god mat, hyggelige flyverter, fine og gode fly ble turen så bra den kunne bli. Vi fløy direkte fra Oslo til Doha, mellomlandet der så gikk flyet videre via Dar es Salam til Kilimanjaro. Når vi ankom Kilimanjaro ble vi plukket opp av vår safariguide. Før vi satte kursen mot safariområdene fikk ... read more
Photo 4
Arusha Town
Photo 7

Africa » Tanzania » North » Serengeti National Park September 15th 2012

From our quiet time in the Selous, we flew to the other extreme and hit the busiest part of the Northern Circuit. We were booked on a private tour with our one driver to take Caleb and I around the parks in our own car (as a result of my fussiness in the safari-planning stage in wanting to go to particular areas and stay in one place for more than a day). Our initial few days in the North were a shock to the system - driving through busy towns, on horrible roads and staying at lodges with heaps of tourists (in contrast to our boutique camp in the middle of nowhere in the South). We drove through busy Lake Manyara National Park en route to our accommodation near the Ngorongoro Conservation Area - no tree ... read more
Many many wildebeest

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