Blogs from Serengeti National Park, North, Tanzania, Africa - page 22


Africa » Tanzania » North » Serengeti National Park September 23rd 2005

We packed our bags for a 2 night safari in the Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater. Our driver, Sunny, picked us up at 0700 in a 4x4. Safari-bound we endured a surprisingly smooth ride to our campsite in the Serengeti National Park, much inspection of the inside of our eyelids was had by all! Now, this was a campsite with a twist. It had no fences or boundaries. It was literally a clearing in the bush where we pitched our tents and where wild animals roamed freely. There was no running water and the toilets were holes in the ground. We could feel the adrenaline rush from our anticipation that we could very possibly have encountered an angry elephant or maybe even a lion. Instead we encountered a mildly frustrated stick insect and not much else in ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Serengeti National Park July 31st 2005

Ready to set off early for the Masai, the group, split into smaller trucks and headed across country to game reserve. After several hours of travelling we arrived at a nice secluded campsite on the edge of the park. We were delayed slightly as the remainder of the missing bags turned up at the hotel and people arranged their stuff for trip to the Masai Mara. On the journey we saw zebra, warthog, gazelle, giraffe, ostrich, flamingo, vultures, wildebeest and Dik-Dik. The roads in Africa are at best unmade potholed tracks that in the UK would not be considered accessible by car, but as we would discover they were to get much worse. The camp that we arrived at was fairly basic, but was clean and catered for our needs, the beds were camp beds and ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Serengeti National Park May 27th 2005

it was our last day in serengeti. our mission: cheetah hunting. we drove about an hour from our hotel to enter a different section of the park where cheetahs are known to frequent. in this area of the park you are allowed to drive off-road. we start driving through the plains and circling the kopjes, or rock formations, that are common in serengeti. these rocks are often hangouts of lions, where they are often found basking in the sun. we drove for hours. nada. to give you an idea of the size of serengeti, it's roughly the size of england. and here we are trying to find the fastest, and one of the most elusive, animals in nature. "it's like trying to find a cheetah in the serengeti" should be the expression. finally after circling another ... read more

Africa » Tanzania » North » Serengeti National Park May 13th 2005

WARNING = This will be a very long entry as I absolutely adore animals (except mice). I’m just not so sure that the feeling is mutual. After being awakened at 5 am by the nearby mosque (I think the call is actually quite beautiful but Marlous quite vehemently disagrees), we managed to struggle down the 4 flights of stairs to meet our driver cum guide, Khalifa from Sunny Safaris. Much to our surprise, he was on time to pick us up in a completely pea-green land rover, inside and out. * Number of Passengers = 4 (us plus our two large backpacks which each got their own seats in the back) * First destination = Ngorongoro Crater, that is, after we made a stop at the grocery store for some cookies, candy and chocolate (yes, ... read more
Closeup of the Feast

Africa » Tanzania » North » Serengeti National Park June 12th 2003

The next day we entered the Serengeti National Park at about 10 am. As soon as we got into the park we saw massive herds of Wildebeest covering the whole of the ground you could see. It was the annual migration. ( We drove to a picnic site and on the way saw a couple of lions inside a bush very close. Lots of Zebras also. After our picnic lunch we saw Elephants, a couple of bull Giraffes fighting - banging their heads against each others necks! Wildebeest are a very strange shaped animal with short back legs and long front legs. We also saw some Hyenas with some old pieces of bone running around quite close to us. The lodge was amazing in the middle of the park. It had a lovely terrace where we ... read more
Lion and Cubs

Africa » Tanzania » North » Serengeti National Park November 24th 1998

Lets go to safari. The car came for us in time. Driver was only like 10 minutes late and that was excellent in »african« time... Jeep was quite big, made for 4 tourists including the driver, cook and a guide... Well... there were 6 of us, so, we had to squeeze a bit. Other 4 tourists consisted a couple from UK (he did some voluntary work for a few months in a village near Moshi) and two girls from Denmark (quite annoying, but they had an interesting gadget, a digital camera!!!). Some kilometers from Arusha roads suddenly became gravel, and soon it was time to turn towards the national parks (if we continued on that road we would come to the western part of Tanzania, quite many hours later). On »safari« highway we passed many small ... read more
Serengeti highway
Serengeti highway II

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