Glyn Wade


Glyn Wade

Very lucky to have visited, and still be able to visit, some amazing places.

Africa » Uganda » Central Region » Kampala September 14th 2023

Uganda Day 11 The last day in Uganda and a summary If you were a taxi driver in London and someone asked you to take them to Buckingham Palace you’d at least of heard of it wouldn’t you? You wouldn’t need a photo of it and still not be able to find it would you? Things are different in Kampala…… We got up early and, after a buffet breakfast, caught an Uber down to the start of a walking tour we had booked last night. We were early of course and had a quick walk up to the Independnce Monument while we waited. The tour was due to start at 9:30 and the lady said she was on her way. A different lady arrived at 9:45 and didn’t apologise for being late. She was really nice ... read more

Africa » Uganda » Central Region » Kampala September 13th 2023

Uganda Day 10 Birds, traffic and getting lost in Kampala I was already awake when the alarm went off at 6 this morning so these lie-ins must be a bit too much. Breakfast was a buffet-style affair and quite Westernised but it was nice. The hotel houses conferences and weddings so it’s a bit posher than we’re used to and everyone is very formal but it’s clean and apparently in a nice part of town. Wehen we were booking in yesterday Zed was concerned that we might be a bit late setting off today as breakfast didn’t start until 7. So we were there just before 7 and ready for when he was due to pick us up at 7:30. He messaged to say that he was on his way, then that there was lots of ... read more

Africa » Uganda » Western Region September 12th 2023

Uganda day 9 Crossing the equator and breaking down on the way back to Kampala Zedius was up early today and even joined us before we’d finished breakfast. Mind you, breakfast was more leisurely than it should have been. We’d said we were leaving at 8 but some things hadn’t arrived by then but, as always, things are a bit more relaxed here. Mind you we did have a 9-10 hour drive ahead of us. And it did turn out to be 10 despite all that follows…. We said goodbye to the very helpful and friendly staff (leaving a tip too of course) and then drove a few miles to a petrol station where we also said goodbye to Didan. We said we hoped to come back one day to stay in the lodge and see ... read more

Africa » Uganda » Western Region » Lake Bunyonyi September 11th 2023

Uganda day 8 Out on the water then walking with ‘friends’ in Uganda It’s amazing how much we’ve fitted into our first week here. So getting up in the daylight today was a bit of a shock to the system. The view of the lake was an amazing thing to wake up to though. We even had our first leisurely breakfast of the holiday as our first activity wasn’t due to start until 10. We had a new guide today, Johnson, who had some highs and lows. He was very friendly, his English was great, he knew a lot and he said I look a lot younger than I am. He was only 45 but I had taken him as being older than me. He also repeated himself, a lot, and laughed at everything, which would ... read more

Uganda Day 7 Gorillas….sorry…..GORILLAS!!! Last night’s dinner was really good and we were told we needed to leave at 6 so breakfast was arranged for 5:40. Zed then had a call from Didan and suddenly we didn’t leave until 7 so another lie-in until 5:30! The reason for this was pretty amazing. But more of that anon.. Claire still had last week’s alarm set so she very kindly woke us up at 5. Apparently lying half awake is good and helps you to wake up when the real alarm goes off….hmmmm…. Breakfast was good as usual and then Didan, the boss turned up as he would be our driver for today. We have learnt to just go with the flow as things don’t always happen in the right order but they do happen at some point. ... read more

Africa » Uganda » Western Region » Lake Bunyonyi September 9th 2023

Uganda day 6 Golden monkey magic, a chameleon and slipping in buffalo poo. A 5am start hurray! Would breakfast be ready? What will it be? Will Claire get last night’s dinner instead or that and a pile of bacon? Before we went to sleep last night there was a thunderstorm which caused a powercut. It came back on not long after but even the light coming back on didn’t wake Claire. We both woke up at 3:50 though as the rain was hammering down on the roof which sounded like it was made of tin. Sadly Claire didn’t get back to sleep and wasn’t too happy when the alarm went off at 5. And so to breakfast which we had pre-ordered for 6am because we were leaving at 6:20. Coffee and tea were served at 6:02 ... read more

Africa » Uganda » Western Region » Lake Bunyonyi September 8th 2023

Uganda day 5 Quite the to-do in Uganda I’m exhausted from confusion today. Is that possible? Let’s start at the very beginning. At 4:30 I had to get up for a wee and there was a baby lizard on the bathroom door. Which was nice. I then convinced myself that the alarm was going off at 5 and so struggled to get back to sleep before realising we were having a lie-in until 5:30. At 5:30 Claire ignored the first alarm and stirred when the second one went off 5 minutes later. We packed up all our stuff and carried it across the field. On the way I noticed that the waterbucks had read my blog yesterday about them not having any babies and there were a few youngsters about. That was quick! It was sad ... read more

Africa » Uganda » Western Region » Queen Elizabeth NP September 7th 2023

Uganda day 4 Bump-starting a car with a leopard nearby in Uganda A 5am alarm call…..woohoo! We had both flaked out very quickly and early last night but the alarm still came as a bit of a shock. The shower was fixed now so we both had hot showers and the water came out of the right place. Our room is in a complex that has an electric fence to keep out animals and a gate and guard to keep out n’er-do-wells. The reception and restaurant is about 100 metres away. When you walk in the dark a guard walks with you and shines his torch at the herd of waterbucks that come every night. There is a football pitch and some houses in this area and it seems a strange and expensive way to do ... read more

Africa » Uganda » Western Region » Queen Elizabeth NP September 6th 2023

Uganda day 3 Black eye, lions and a boat safari in Uganda So I have a black eye. I was bending down to plug something in last night and banged it on the bed post. This is the story Claire has told me to tell you…. It bled for a short while last night and has gone purple this morning. Pretty standard stuff for me. I still managed to get up at 5:30 though as we were off on a morning game drive. We were due to leave at 7 and breakfast started at 6:30 but there was no sign of Zed by quarter to so the lodge guy went and knocked on his door. We set off a few minutes late and Claire managed to stay calm by saying it was Africa time. At home ... read more

Africa » Uganda » Western Region » Kibale National Forest September 5th 2023

Uganda day 2 Chimps, warthogs and a rabbit plus an unintentional night safari. You can’t beat an ice cold shower in the morning, especially when you’ve not had one for two days. Actually you can. With most things. Let’s just say we rinsed a bit and Claire made some interesting noises. The alarm had gone off at 5:40 so we lay in bed until the next one at 5:45. Breakfast was bananas, pineapple, bread and however you wanted your eggs. I said I didn’t eat eggs and filled up on bread and fruit. Then the chef very kindly rustled up some cooked carrot and cauliflower. I was full but ate and enjoyed it anyway. I mentioned yesterday about not getting wound up by people. Didn’t last long. After a short car ride we arrived at the ... read more

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